why do you smell perfume? [2]

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It was days later and Harry sat on the couch of the hotel he was staying at, truly realizing what he had done. He had spent that first night after he walked out on you at the girl he was sleeping with’s house but the next morning he quickly wanted to get away from her so he booked himself a stay in a hotel downtown.

Harry knew he shouldn’t have said it was all your fault. It wasn’t, of course. You did show him love and support, he knew you loved and cared for him and his career, he had just given into a temptation and it felt better to blame you rather than himself. But he missed you. He missed you so much.

He missed the sweetness of your shampoo, the smell of it surrounding him while he slept or the two of you made love. He missed you cooking him breakfast, surprising him with it in bed on the rare occasion he could sleep in. He missed your laugh, your smiling face, the feel of your hands on him. All he wanted, as he lay awake at night, was to have his head resting on your chest with your fingers playing in his curls as he fell asleep to the beat of your heart under his ear.

He found himself getting in the car a few minutes later and began the familiar drive to the house the two of you had shared together for years. He had to try to get you to forgive him, to see that he was wrong and that he knew it and that he was sorry. He wanted to come home, he wanted to come back to you.

“What do you want, Harry?” You question as soon as you open the door to see him standing before you. In the days since he left you had stopped moping about. He obviously didn’t care about you or the relationship so why should you? “If this is about getting your stuff, don’t bother.” You start, crossing your arms over your chest. “I’ve packed up my own stuff instead and found some where else to live so the place is yours.”

“Can I jus’ come in, please?” Harry pleads, giving you a sad and wide eyed look. You sigh and step aside, allowing him to enter. “You’re really leaving?” He questions when he looks around, taking in the packed up boxes. Your books were no longer on the shelf, your small trinkets and things packed away. The place felt cold and empty and he hated it.

“What do you want, Harry?” You repeated the question you had first asked him, this time a bit more forceful.

“I miss you.” His words cause a laugh to erupt out of your throat. A feeling of sadness and dread immediately washes over Harry. He could see already that his hopes of rekindling that love, of starting new with you, were unlikely. “Please, I made a mistake, I know that. I jus’…” He sighs as he runs a hand through his curls, shaking his head.

“Harry, you were fucking someone else. You cheated on me, multiple times! I’m not going to just forgive or forget that. You said I wasn’t supportive, that I didn’t care. I’m done trying, Harry. It’s over, we’re done. You did that, that’s all on you. So deal with the consequences of your damn actions!” You were mad, you were livid. How dare he show up here, trying to play the sad and helpless card to win you back. Did he honestly think he could water his green eyes, pout out his bottom lip, say he missed you and everything would be okay again?

Harry turns away, knowing that you were right but he didn’t want you to see how much that hurt. You were right. He had done this. He had broken up with you, walked out, had gone to her. This was on him. He wipes at his cheeks as tears begin to fall and takes a deep breath before he turns back to face you.

“’m sorry.” He watches your face soften then but only fractionally before you sigh and give a nod.

“I wish you nothing but the best, Harry, I really do.” You bite at your bottom lip then, looking away from his face for a second before meeting his eyes again, trying to ignore the tears trailing down his cheeks. You had to resist rushing over to hold and comfort him. “I’ll let you know when all of my stuff is out. Should only be a few more days.” Harry does nothing, he just stands and watches you, letting the tears fall down his cheeks. “You know where the door is, so see yourself out.” You turn then, heading for the bedroom. “Goodbye, Harry.” You turn back, giving him one last sad look before he watches you disappear down the hall and out of his life.



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