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wordcount: 16k+


“Good morning, Mr. Styles!”

(Y/N) kept her chipper tone as quiet as possible as she entered her boss’s trailer. Though he claimed to be a morning person, but there was something particularly wicked about five a.m. call times on a Sunday morning that even he wasn’t immune to.

“You have another half hour until hair and makeup,” she continued, carefully shutting the door closed behind her in an effort to keep out the chill of the morning, “But, I brought your coffee and a croissant from craft services.”

Harry, in his morning glory, puffy eyes and all, gave her a soft smile as she entered. “Morning,” he mumbled, decidedly less awake than his assistant who had been here since four a.m. with the rest of the crew. His thank you came after the first sip of coffee went down his throat, some of the sleep in his eyes seemingly melting away with the help of the warm drink.

“What kind is it?” he asked, referring to the croissant he had set with its napkin on his lap.

(Y/N) hung in the mouth of the trailer, more than happy to indulge in these morning conversations she had grown to look forward to in the last two weeks since shooting commenced. “Chocolate,” she chirped, proud of her discovery for the morning, “It was the last one, so I had to hide it until you got here. After that, all that was going to be left were those lemon ones that are way too much to have for breakfast.”

Knuckling at his eye, a warm smile tugged at Harry’s lips. “That’s why you’re the best, (Y/N). I really lucked out with you, didn’t I?”

Though the sentiment was nothing new, Harry’s words did more for her than a cup of coffee or shot of green juice in the morning. In the weeks since filming starting and consequently being introduced to one another, Harry was probably one of the best temporary bosses she’d ever had since joining the industry. He was kind, understanding, and relentlessly patient with her.

It was hard not to harbor a small crush on him.

Especially now, with his lazily affectionate words falling from his pink, puffed lips, how was she supposed to just pretend her heart didn’t flutter and her tummy didn’t bubble full of honeybees and butterflies at his words. How was she supposed to ignore all of that when he was looking so cozy that (Y/N) swore she could cuddle into his chest and earn back her interrupted sleep from this morning.

His unstyled hair flopped over his forehead in lazy curls that matched the hood of his eyes. A rumpled green top covered his torso with the back decorated in large, pink hearts, something about self-love scrawled within the emblems. A soft pair of sweatpants encasing his legs, a rainbow gradient working over the fabric as he sat in the blanket draped chair at the cent of the vanity installed in his trailer. The amber colored bulbs were dimmed to his morning preference, the light bathing him in a golden haze that made him too pretty to be fair this early in the morning. He was the perfect lazy dream, and she couldn’t ignore it if she tried.

But, no matter how much of a school-girl crush she felt, she knew this was nothing more than puppy love for a kind person who was acting as her boss for the next couple of months.

“Maybe you did,” she answered him with a soft smile, hoping he didn’t notice the rise in temperature behind her cheeks, “I’ll be back to get you for hair and makeup, okay? Let me know if you need anything before then.”

Harry gave her a soft nod, a wave of his ringless fingers being tossed in her direction. “I’ll be waiting,” he said, “Thank you again, (Y/N).”

Stepping out into the slowly warming morning air, (Y/N) couldn’t be more grateful for the role she found herself in. Even if she was getting a little tired of these early morning call times.

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