Keeping Secrets:

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It was abnormally quiet, as you finished clearing away the last of the leftovers from dinner, stacking things away into the refrigerator. You could hear something humming from TV in the lounge. A football game or some highlights from an earlier one, it sounded like. Starting the kettle, and pulling out each of your favorite mugs, you left the kitchen that still smelled heavily of roasted chicken and warmed potatoes, your mother’s recipe. You used it, every time you were missing home a little. Digging it out of the small box of recipes she’d given you as one of your housewarming gifts when you and Harry had purchased this house together. The card was filled with her swirled and delicate script, stained with splotches of gray or butter from all of the times it had sat beside the stove. When you cooked it, it smelled like your house on a Sunday, growing up.

You could see just the top of Harry’s head, the wispy ends of some curls that had been ruffled out of place, sticking up wildly, where he was slouched down into the sofa. You halted, trying to quiet your movements, as you knew what that meant. Listening further, over the buzz of the game, you could hear tiny snores rumbling from his chest, intermixing with the cheers and whistles of the crowd. With a smirk, you crept a little closer, your bare feet ghosting lightly over the carpet, hoping to not make the floorboards underneath squeak.

Reaching the back of the couch, you peeked over the edge, and smiled softly. Harry was sprawled out and slumped into the couch. Long legs bent and feet planted firmly on the floor below. Chin, dipped down into his chest. He had a very sleepy little Darcy in his lap, curled up and feeling safe where she was. Cheek pressed into his chest, so her lips puckered together and he wavy, soft curls were fanned out over his t-shirt. His forearms wrapped over her and resting on her back protectively. Their stomachs full and the room nice and warm, they were catching a little snooze with each other. Soft breathing, a few, occasional happy noises coming from the little girl cradled to his chest.

You smiled again, a little electric pang shooting through your chest as you realized just how big she had gotten and how much you missed having a baby around. You remembered the time when she was just a little bit bigger than his hand, and could nestle right in the center of his chest, head tucked just below his chin, little hands fisted into the fabric of his shirts. Now, her legs and torso had elongated, although she was still slight in size. Her legs especially, didn’t quite fit in his lap anymore, hanging over the edge of his thigh lazily.

Leaning down, you turned your head to press a quick kiss into Harry’s cheek. He started, with a sharp intake of breath as he roused at your touch, blinking up at you with a lazy smile and heavy eyes, tightening his arms around Darcy, as she stirred against his chest, but didn’t wake, burrowing down against his chest again.

“Hi,” he rasped, clearing his throat and rubbing his palm up and down Darcy’s back.

“Hi,” you murmured, smiling, petting his brow bone with your fingers. “You feel like having some tea with me? I missed you today.” You raised an eyebrow, moving your hands to his shoulders to knead them, giving them a squeeze. It was one of those nights that you needed him and needed him badly.

He nodded, looking up at you with a grateful expression; the glow in his eyes told you that he was feeling the same. “I’ll just go tuck this one into bed.”

Rising from the sofa, he shifted her in his arms, careful not to wake her and kissing the top of her head.

“Goodnight, my little one,” you hummed, kissing her cheek delicately. She was a heavy sleeper, just like her father and didn’t rouse. He kissed her downy forehead and smiled at you, before disappearing down the hall and up the stairs.

Once you were sure he was out of sight, you crept back to the lounge, peeling off clothes as you went, and letting them fall to the floor, until you were down to nothing up your lingerie, you liked when he took it off. Flicking on the fireplace, you went and lay down, on the couch, stretching out and raising your arms above your head, settling back against his blanket that was draped over the couch. You giggled, remembering that it had been this blanket you were both under, the first time you saw each other naked. 

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