104 a couple of months later

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Lucy officially went back home after staying with us for a couple of months my mom made her come back since she missed her so much.

I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and looked out of the window and noticed it was still extremely dark outside.

I went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room.

I quickly changed and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed my phone and headed downstairs and went into the living room.

I looked towards the forest and saw the trees swaying slightly I yawned and stretched and walked towards the glass door and unlocked it.

I opened the door and walked out and closed the door I felt like I was being watched but I didn't see anyone.

I felt a slight breeze against me and I started walking through the backyard towards the forest.

Suddenly Jake appeared next to me I laughed and said what are you doing Jake said I could ask you the same thing.

I said I couldn't go back to sleep Jake said ah ok I had a weird feeling so I came outside.

I said why he said I heard the glass door open downstairs and I immediately thought of you.

I smiled and said aw thanks and we started laughing together and I shook my head and continued walking through the backyard.

Jake stayed next to the whole time so I wouldn't get hurt by Jason or his gang in the forest.

A little while later me and Jake got into the forest and continued walking through the forest I heard crickets chirping around us.

Jake got extremely protective and he kept his hand on my lower back I smiled and said your protective of me.

Jake laughed and said well all of the guys are protective of you and your family I smiled and said thanks he said of course.

Me and Jake got into a clearing of the forest and we looked around to make sure we weren't being followed.

The rest of the guys were completely knocked out in their rooms me and Jake couldn't sleep and we were bored.

Suddenly Jason James scout and Caleb appeared in front of me and Jake I felt my breath hitch in my throat.

Jake said I got you Elle don't worry I looked at him and he was glaring at Jason I scooted closer to Jake and wrapped my arms around him.

I kept my head on his chest and tried to calm down so I wouldn't have a panic attack in the forest.

A little while later me and Jake went back home so we wouldn't get hurt me and Jake went to bed a little while later for the night.

A couple of hours later the guys woke up and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and cooked breakfast for everyone.

An hour later Andy woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Andy brushed his hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room and grabbed his phone and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen.

A little while later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Batman followed me into the bathroom and I smiled and shook my head and laughed.

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