25 Friday

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I randomly woke up to something falling in my room princess woke up and started growling. I heard someone say hey relax kitty I'm not going to hurt you.

It didn't sound like Andy I immediately sat up and bed and said WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU. The person jumped and said relax its me jinxx andys friend.

I relaxed and said ok how may I help you he said I just came to watch over your house. I said why he said because Jason is killing people and he's close to your house.

I said the forest since it's behind my house jinxx said yea I said fuck he said I know. Jinxx said me and the guys are going to watch over your house at night and during the day.

I said thanks he said no problem Elle I said huh he said Andy told us your name I said oh ok and laughed. I got out of bed and used the restroom then climbed back into bed.

Jinxx sat in front of the window and looked towards the forest I fell back asleep a couple minutes later for the night. A couple of hours later my mom woke up and went upstairs and woke up my siblings.

I woke up to the sound of my mom talking and I groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched.

I looked at the window and didn't see jinxx my mom came in my room and turned on the lights and walked out and closed my door.

I said are you fucking kidding me my mom headed downstairs and got ready for work. I sighed and forced myself out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and changed for the day and sprayed some body spray on.

After I grabbed everything I needed I headed downstairs and went into the living room. My mom gave me a hug then left and headed to work. A little while later me and my siblings left for school.

My mom said she is going to be out of town next week for work so I have to watch my siblings for a week. My mom is gonna start packing her bag when she gets home tonight.

A little while later I dropped off Lucy and drove down the highway to get to school. Andy said his mom brought him and dropped him off since he was too lazy to drive.

After I got to school me and Matthew headed inside nat gave me a hug and we walked to class. Matthew immediately headed to his class nat said Andy is already in class.

I laughed and said ok jack walked up to me and nat and I sighed and said shit. Jack smiled and said hello you little whores I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

Nat said what is your issue jack you can't get laid I said holy shit and started laughing. Jack scoffed and said yea I can get laid by whoever I want nat said yea sure I bet.

I said damn that's why your my best friend jack laughed and said Elle where is your dad. I felt my heart stop beating and I looked at him and said he left.

Jack said I wonder why because he had a shitty daughter and he doesn't love you and he never wanted you. I felt my eyes watering and I remembered everything my dad did to me and my family.

Nat said Elle you ok I immediately ran to the bathroom nat followed after me. I got in a stall and closed the door and started crying nat said Elle don't listen to him.

I heard the bell ring and I said fuck and walked out of the bathroom and nat followed me. I cleaned myself up and went into class and sat down. Andy looked at me and said Elle are you ok I said yea I'm fine.

Andy said are you sure I looked at him and said yes I'm fine now leave me alone. Andy said um ok sorry if I pissed you off and he continued playing on his phone.

I felt like I wanted to cry and scream at the same time but I had to keep my composure so people wouldn't think I'm crazy. A little while later the teacher took attendance and sent it to the principal.

After the morning announcements ended the teacher said we are having a chill day and watching movies. The teacher turned off the lights and put on a movie.

Andy looked at me and said Elle who hurt you I said no one and he pulled my face towards him and said name now. I asked the teacher if I could go to the restroom and I grabbed my purse.

I went into the bathroom and walked in front of the sink and pulled up my sleeve and pulled out one of my razor blades. I started remembering all the things my father did and I started slicing my wrist.

My eyes were watering as well a couple of more cuts I quickly cleaned up my arm and the sink and wrapped my wrist up. I decided to throw away all of my razor blades in my purse.

A couple minutes later I went back to class and sat down Andy grabbed my wrist and kissed it and said Elle who hurt you. I mumbled jack he growled lowly and his eyes went black and he said I'm gonna fucking kill him.

I said I'm fine Andy said no your not I said my mom is going on a business trip for the week. Andy said you need help with your siblings I smiled and said please.

He said ok I'll help I said I love you he said I love you more Elle and he kissed my head. A couple of hours later school finally ended and everyone walked out of the building.

After me and Matthew left school we went to go pick up Lucy they were not excited about our mom leaving for the week. After I picked up Lucy we headed home Andy was helping his parents around the house.

A little while later we got home and my mom said she packed her bag for her trip already. A couple minutes later we all hung out and ate dinner together.

My mom is leaving Sunday morning she said I will pay you when I get home Elle. I smiled and said ok sounds good after we finished eating we headed upstairs and went into our rooms.

I chilled in my bed and watched movies for the night I played on my phone while I watched TV. Princess was completely knocked out at the edge of my bed I took a couple pictures of her.

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