44 friday

38 1 0


I told my mom last night that school got canceled but I still had to take my sister to school and she said ok and went to bed a little while later.

My mom came upstairs and woke up me and my little sister then she headed downstairs and left for work.

I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed then went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and changed for the day and sprayed some body spray on.

I grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs and me and my sister left the house.

She said it's not fair how you and Matthew don't have to go to school today I said I don't know sis.

A couple minutes later I dropped off Lucy and picked up breakfast and headed home and parked the car.

I got out and locked it and headed inside and put my stuff up and ate breakfast then headed upstairs.

I changed and climbed into bed and fell asleep a couple minutes later because I am not awake in the morning.

A couple minutes later Andy appeared in my room and climbed into bed with me and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

I smiled and rolled over and cuddled against his chest and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A couple of hours later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and rolled onto my back and sighed.

I looked over at Andy and he was completely knocked out and snoring lightly I smiled and bit my lip and blushed slightly.

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

I headed back into my room andy was still completely knocked out and snoring lightly I smiled and shook my head.

Matthew woke up and headed downstairs and got his breakfast then headed back upstairs into his room and closed his door.

I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications then put my phone down and grabbed some clean clothes and also my phone.

I headed into the bathroom and closed the door and turned on the shower and some music.

A couple minutes later I got into the shower and closed the curtain and walked under the shower head and smiled slightly.

I started washing my hair when I heard my bathroom door open and close Andy quickly used the restroom then went back into my room.

I laughed and said ok and continued taking a shower and listening to music.

An hour later I got out of the shower and dried off and changed and sprayed some body spray on and picked up my dirty clothes.

Andy woke up a couple minutes later then he yawned and stretched and got out of my bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I headed downstairs and started cooking food because I was extremely hungry.

A little while later Andy and Matthew came downstairs Matthew said um hey andy he laughed and said hi.

After I finished cooking we all ate together then I did the dishes and headed upstairs.

Matthew and Andy headed upstairs with me and Andy watched movies until I had to go pick up Lucy.

After I got back home my mom was cooking dinner Andy left before I had to go pick up Lucy.

After we all finished eating dinner we all headed upstairs and went into our rooms.

Andy snuck over and we cuddled and watched movies until we fell asleep for the night.

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