58 Sunday

34 1 0


I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and looked around my room.

Princess ran over to me and started meowing I smiled and kissed her head and she snuggled against me and I closed my eyes.

My mom and siblings were all still asleep since we are all exhausted from the trip.

I really want to go back to Florida one day in the future but who knows I still can't believe me and Andy are getting married soon.

Andy randomly appeared in my room and I jumped princess hissed and Andy said hey my bad relax.

I bit my lip and laughed and the cat jumped off the bed and walked over to my door and meowed.

Andy opened my door and she ran out and he closed the door and locked it and smiled.

I bit my lip and smiled and blushed slightly and he walked over to my bed and sat down on my bed and smiled.

I said you going hunting he sighed and said yea I said ok and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and walked back over to Andy.

I smiled and rested my hands on his shoulders and he opened his legs and I moved in between them and he kissed my head.

I said I love you Andy he smiled and said I love you more Elle and he smiled and kissed me and I smiled against his lips.

Andy bit his lip and said I need to go hunting I said ok and moved back and he stood up.

I looked up at him and he closed his eyes and disappeared and I said ok good bye and I went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I used the restroom then headed downstairs and got something to eat and drink and went back into my room and closed my door.

I chilled on my bed and hung out and ate food and chilled on my phone while I ate my food.

After I finished eating I headed downstairs and put my dishes up and headed upstairs and climbed into bed and got comfortable.

Me and my siblings are going out and hanging out together for the whole day since I'm going to move out after I get married.

A little while later I started getting extremely tired I plugged my phone in and put it down and rolled onto my stomach.

I got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later after I got comfortable in my bed.

A little while later I felt the bed shift and a low growl and I knew it was Andy.

A couple minutes later he got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later as well.

A couple of hours later my mom woke up and got ready for work and left for the day after she locked the front door.

A little while later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and walked into my bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

I walked back into my room and saw Andy sleeping peacefully I smiled and bit my lip and looked down and shook my head.

I walked over to Andy and ran my knuckle against his jawline and he woke up and smiled.

I said how was your hunting last night he smiled and said good I smiled and leaned down and kissed his head.

Andy smiled and yawned and stretched and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer and kissed me.

I said I need to make breakfast for my siblings he said ok and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I headed downstairs and went into the kitchen and made some ice coffee for me and started cooking breakfast.

A couple minutes later Andy came downstairs and helped me cook breakfast.

A little while later after I finished cooking I ate breakfast and Andy also ate breakfast.

A little while later my siblings woke up and came downstairs and headed into the kitchen.

I made my siblings some breakfast and we all sat down and talked about our day.

Matthew said I'm probably gonna stay in my room all day I said ok so we are all going out tomorrow.

Lucy and Matthew said that's fine with me Andy said so I'm going with you guys tomorrow.

I smiled and bit my lip and blushed Andy said you wanna move in with the guys after we get married.

I said yea sure I think it would be interesting to live with five horny guys.

We all started laughing together and Andy shook his head and said yea that is kinda true honestly.

After everyone finished eating Lucy helped me with the dishes I said are you going to miss me when I move out.

She sighed and said yea and gave me a side hug Andy said aww and walked into the kitchen and gave me and Lucy a hug.

Matthew sat on a barstool and watched me and Lucy wash the dishes.

After we finished cleaning the dishes we walked into the living room and my siblings headed upstairs and went into their room.

Princess ran downstairs and jumped on the couch next to me and Andy I smiled and bit my lip.

Andy turned on the TV and looked for a movie for us to watch for a while.

After he found a movie he put down the remote and we relaxed and watched the movie.

After the movie ended me and Andy Cooked lunch for my siblings and we all hung out downstairs in the kitchen.

After we finished eating my siblings headed back upstairs and me and Andy did the dishes.

A little while later Andy left and I made dinner for everyone else.

A couple of hours later my mom came home and gave me a hug and changed.

After I finished cooking my siblings came downstairs and we all ate dinner and talked about our day.

A little while later after we finished eating my mom helped me do the dishes and picked up the food.

After we finished eating we headed into our rooms and got ready for bed and went to sleep for the night.

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