Andy said why did you do it I said do what he said cut your wrist in a whisper. I said because I can and I'm tired of getting bullied. Andy said in my head please don't do it you are extremely important I said yea sure bullshit. Andy sighed and grabbed my wrist and kissed it I bit my lip and smiled slightly.

Andy looked up at me and said please don't do it ever again. I said ok I won't he smiled and said good a little while later first period was over. The bell rung and everyone got up and started walking out of the classroom and heading to their next class.

Andy and Nat were farther ahead of me and I sighed and said great. I kept weaving in and around people I accidentally ran into someone and fell. Jack turned around and said what the fuck Elle watch were you are going dumbass. I said sorry and got up he forcefully pushed me back down and I hurt my tail bone and said oww fuck.

Jack laughed and kicked my stomach and my nose I started crying in pain. He said aww does the wittle baby want a binkey. I looked up and Andy slammed him into the locker and said fuck you. Nat ran over to me and helped me up and cleaned my nose I had a bruise on my stomach by my ribs.

The bell rung and I sighed and said we are gonna be late she said I don't care. A couple minutes later we walked out the bathroom and Andy was waiting for us. We all walked to our next period and our teacher said you three are late and she saw me and said um you need to go to the nurse so I did.

The nurse said I could leave I grabbed my stuff and signed out and got into my car and groaned in pain. I buckled up and headed home my stomach was killing me. After I got home I picked up my stuff and took medicine and put an ice pack on my ribs. I texted my mom that she would have to pick up Lucy and Matthew and she said ok sounds good.

I fell asleep on the couch because the medicine had finally kicked in. A couple of hours later I woke up to the sound of my siblings coming home. My mom sat down and said Elle are you ok I said yea and she gave me a hug.

A little while later I got up and ate dinner with everyone and we all talked about our day. Matthew said I heard you got your ass kicked my mom said Matthew Joseph Guidry he said what. She said no thats not ok Lucy was worried I said I'm fine sis don't worry and she smiled and said ok and gave me a hug.

A little while later we all picked up our dishes and chilled in our rooms. I played on my phone while laying in my bed for the night. At around 10 pm my mom told me good night and everyone went to bed and I also fell asleep for the night. I randomly felt a cold wind and I jumped and saw Andy standing in the corner of my room I said what the fuck.

Andy walked over to me he had blood on his face I said you have blood around your lips. He said oh shit and quickly wiped his mouth I said what are you doing in my room. Andy said I came to see you he sat down on my bed and we just talked for a while until he disappeared.

Andy jumped out of my window and I looked down and he went back into his house. I said ok and closed my window and went back to sleep for the night. I can't wait till the weekend.

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