14 Monday

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I woke up and groaned fuckkkk my alarm went off and I woke turned off my alarm. I yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room. I changed and sprayed some body spray on and put on my shoes.

My mom left after she woke up my siblings and got them ready for school. A little while later me and my siblings left for school Andy was going to drive by himself.

Matthew sat in the front seat with me while I dropped off Lucy at school and headed to our school. A couple minutes later I parked and turned off the car and we got out. After I locked the car we headed inside there were a lot of people in the hallways.

Nat met up with me and Matthew are gave me a hug and said hello. Matthew gave me a hug and headed to his class Andy ran up behind me and picked me up. I said OH MY GOD WHAT THE HECK Andy started laughing and put me down.

I turned around and started laughing and shoved him and said holy shit jack walked past us and started laughing and said whore and walked away.

Andy looked up and said what the fuxk did you just say I grabbed his arm and said its fine. He looked at me and sighed and said ok and we all walked to class and sat down in our chairs.

The teacher talked to a couple of people while waiting for the bell to ring. I looked at Andy and he smiled and said what are you looking at.

I said you who else Andy started laughing and cupped my cheeks and pulled me closer and kissed me. Andy pulled back and I smiled and blushed like crazy.

I looked at nat and she was smiling widely while saying I ship you guys like you guys are absolutely adorable. I smiled and bit my lip and looked at the teacher and waited for the bell to ring.

Jack quickly walked in my class and walked over to me and said hi Elle. I looked up and said can I help you he said I hope you don't fall in love and you die alone.

Andy said fuck off Jack and the bell rung and he walked out of class and more people started walking into class and sat down.

A couple minutes later the teacher closed the door and she sat down and took attendance and sent it to the principal. The morning announcements came on and everyone went quiet and listened to them.

After the morning announcements ended the teacher started talking about the plans for the day. I looked at Andy and he was watching the teacher. I bit my thumb and looked at him and he turned and looked at me and smiled.

I blushed slightly and turned my head the teacher started passing out work sheets and told us what we were going to do. After we finished working on our worksheets I turned them in and sat down.

An hour later class ended and the bell rung and we all got up and walked out of class. Andy and nat were far from me I said well fuck and I continued walking down the hallway.

I felt slightly anxious someone bumped into me and said oh sorry I said its ok. I continued walking down the hallway trying to catch up with andy and nat.

Jack walked over to me and walked next to me while I walked to my next class. I stayed quiet Jack said oh so are you and Andy dating I said no. Jack laughed and said oh so you guys are just fucking I said um no. Jack said you are a lame virgin that dated a bunch of guys.

I felt my eyes watering and I said leave me alone he said I can't do that. I stopped walking and turned and looked at him and said what are you talking about.

A couple minutes later the hallway was empty Andy and nat were both in class. I started getting extremely anxious and I felt like my body was shaking.

Suddenly Jack shoved me against the locker and covered my mouth I started struggling. Jack wrapped his hand around my throat and lifted me up in the air.

I couldn't breathe and I started crying suddenly I was dropped and Jack flew across the hallway. Nat gave me a hug and I  started crying and coughing. A couple minutes later we all left and headed home.

I called my mom and let her know and she said ok I will call the school I said ok. A little while later me Andy and nat all ate food my mom said she would pick up my siblings.

A couple of hours later Andy left and so did nat and my family came home and we all ate dinner together. After we finished eating we all headed upstairs and went to bed for the night.

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