57 last day of trip Saturday

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Last night everyone had to pack our bags because we are leaving and heading home today.

Me and Andy are going to start planning for the wedding when we get home from our trip.

Our last two days were fun we went to the beach on Thursday and spent the whole day together.

After we left the beach we headed to a restaurant and hung out and headed back to the hotel for the night.

Andys alarm went off at 4 am I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

Andy turned off his alarm and got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom and said Elle you done.

I said hold on he said ok and I finished using the restroom then headed into our room.

Andy went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed his hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into our room.

Me and Andy got our stuff and left our hotel room and we went downstairs and checked out and headed out side and packed our cars up.

A little while later we all left the hotel and headed to a gas station to fill up then we headed down the highway.

Andy was in his car with his family I headed with my mom and siblings.

I listened to music and looked out the window and smiled and and bit my lip and felt sad because I miss Andy.

A little while later we all hung out and jammed out together and talked about random shit and laughed together.

A couple of hours later we picked up food and continued driving down the highway for a while.

A couple of hours later we stopped at a gas station so we could stretch and walk around the store.

Andys family also stopped at the gas station I ran and he hoisted me up and I smiled and he kissed my head I was super happy to see him.

After we left the gas station we continued heading home I fell asleep while listening to music on my phone.

A couple of hours later I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and looked at my mom.

She laughed and said we are 20 minutes away from the house I said ok and looked out of the window the sun was starting to set.

A little while later we finally got home and left our bags in the car and headed inside and got ready for bed and went to sleep for the night.

My mom took off tomorrow so she can have a rest day before she goes back to work.

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