38 monday

39 1 0


My mom woke up and came upstairs and woke up my siblings then came into my room and turned on the lights and then walked out and closed the door and headed downstairs.

My mom left after she knew my siblings were up and getting ready for the day.

I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room and changed for the day and sprayed some body spray on.

I grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs and sat down on the couch and waited for my siblings to come downstairs.

A couple minutes later Andy came over and sat with me on the couch and I handed him my car keys.

Andy said I'm driving I laughed and said if you want to he said sure I laughed and said ok then it's settled your driving.

Andy laughed and said ok and I yawned and sighed and said kids yall better hurry the fuck up or I'm leaving with out you guys.

Andy said we should all have a family vacation after we graduate high school I smiled and said that sounds like a good plan.

Andy smiled and kissed my head and held my hand while we waited for my siblings.

A little while later we all finally left the house and headed to school I looked out the window the whole time.

A couple minutes later we dropped off Lucy and headed to school while laughing together.

A little while later we all finally got to school and headed inside Matthew quickly went to his class.

Nat gave me a hug and we all started walking to class together holding hands and laughing about random shit.

A couple minutes later we all got to class and sat down in our seats and waited for the bell to ring. A little while later the bell rung and everyone came in and sat down in their seats.

The teacher closed the door and sat down in her chair and took attendance then sent it to the principal then the morning announcements came on and everyone went quiet.

After the morning announcements ended the teacher started talking about the lesson plan for today.

A couple minutes later the teacher started talking about what we were going to be learning today.

After she finished talking she put on a video and told everyone to be quiet and pay attention to the video.

I looked at Andy and nat and they were both fascinated by the video the teacher was showing everyone I laughed and took pictures of them then put my phone down.

A couple minutes later I yawned and continued watching the video even though it was extremely boring. After the video ended the teacher asked if anyone had questions about it.

A couple minutes later she said ok you can do whatever you guys want to now just talk quietly everyone started talking to their friends.

After class ended everyone walked into the hall and headed to their next class. Andy held my hand so he wouldn't loose me while we walked down the hallway together.

A couple of hours later school finally ended and everyone walked out of the school building and walked out of the parking lot.

Me Andy and Matthew all got in my car and quickly picked up Lucy and headed home.

After we got home we all headed inside and ate dinner then headed upstairs and got ready for bed and went to sleep for the night.

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