15 Tuesday

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My mom came in my room and turned on the lights and said Elle get up and closed my door. My mom woke up my siblings then left for work for the day.

I looked in the mirror and saw the hand prints around my throat. I put concealer on my throat to cover the bruises.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

I changed and sprayed some body spray on and put my shoes on and grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs.

A couple minutes later we all left and headed to school I said mom talked to the school and talk to them. Matthew said why the fuck would someone do that to you.

I said I have no fucking idea we headed into school and went to our classes. Andy stood up and grabbed my phone and I smiled and sat down next to him.

Nat gave me a hug and I said I'm ok she said you sure your throat looks bad. I said I know it hurts a lot she said yea I said my mom talked to the school.

Nat shook her head and said he needs to get arrested I looked at Andy he laughed and said that mother fucker flew. I started laughing and said yea that was pretty funny I gave him a hug.

Andy said I will always protect you no matter what and he kissed my head and said I love you. I said I love you more Andy and he squeezed me slightly and said I'm gonna kick his ass.

I pulled back and looked at the board and waited for class to start. A little while later the bell rung and people came in class and sat down in their seats.

Andy said I'm gonna hurt Jack I looked at Andy and his eyes were pitch black. I mumbled shit because I knew he was serious about it. The teacher took attendance after she closed the door.

After the morning announcements ended the teacher said we are going to watch a video and everyone take notes.

Everyone took out paper and a pencil and waited for the teacher to put on the video. A couple minutes later we started watching the video and taking down notes.

The teacher also watched the video and told people to be quiet and pay attention because they were talking loud.

Andy looked slightly pissed my head was hurting so I understood why he was mad. Nat said can Everyone shut up and pay attention to the video.

I started laughing and shook my head and said I agree with you on that. Andy was paying attention and writing down notes.

After we finished watching the video we all discussed the notes that we all wrote down. We all picked up our stuff and the teacher read a book to everyone.

The bell rung and everyone got up and walked out of class and walked down the hallway. Andy held my hand and nat was next to us as well.

Jack walked past us and Andy looked pissed and he growled lowly nat laughed and said ohhh shit. I bit my lip and we all continued walking down the hallway.

We all sat down in our seats when we got to our next class. My mom texted me and said my sister has a doctor's appointment tomorrow so I won't bring her to school.

I said ok and let Matthew know and he said alright that's fine with me. I put my phone down and waited for class to start.

A couple of hours later school finally ended and everyone went outside Andy got in his car and left. After I picked up my sister I got food and headed home.

After we got home I changed and got ready for bed and ate dinner. A little while later my mom came home and ate dinner and we all hung out together.

A little while later we all headed upstairs and went to bed for the night. My mom told my little sister about her appointment and she said ok and we all went to bed.

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