46 a couple of months later Saturday graduation

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Today is officially the day me nat and Andy all graduate and I'm fucking excited about it.

School ended a couple of days ago which is absolutely amazing.

We are going on our family vacation soon so that's gonna be a lot of fun Andy said he's getting us a room for the trip.

Nat is gonna sleep over after graduation so that's extremely fun me nat and Andy all had a graduation party together yesterday.

It was a lot of fun and definitely crazy me and nat ended up drinking a little and jamming out together and Andy laughed at us while watching us be ourselves.

Andy is going to be moving in with his friends after he graduates from high school.

I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched we have graduation later today.

Nat and Andy are both coming over so we can all get ready together and head to the civic center after.

I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

My mom and siblings were awake and hanging out together downstairs I grabbed my phone and headed downstairs.

They said hey graduate I smiled and said hi and sat down on the couch and played on my phone.

My mom said Andy and nat are coming over soon so we can all get ready together I said ok.

Andy lives next door so that's really nice I ate breakfast and drank some coffee then sat back down on the couch.

After I finished eating I put my dishes up and sat back down on the couch and waited for nat and Andy to get here.

A couple of hours later nat and Andy came over and we all started getting ready together I started getting extremely anxious.

After we finished getting ready we took pictures together then headed downstairs our parents said aw our babies.

We all took pictures together and got ready to leave for graduation.

After we all left the house we headed to the civic center I started getting extremely anxious and I looked out of the window.

My mom said Elle everything is going to be ok I promise I said uh huh and continued looking out of the window.

A little while later my mom dropped me off at the back of the civic center and I headed inside and met up with andy and nat.

I gave Andy a hug and he kissed my cheek and said we got this guy's I smiled and said yea we do.

Nat smiled and said we are going to achieve great things with our lives I smiled and said I agree with you.

A little while later they let the parents in the civic center so they could all sit down in their seats.

We were all lined up from alphabetical order from our last names which sucked.

A couple minutes later we all started walking into the civic center all of the parents were clapping and cheering.

I smiled widely and felt like I was about to pass out Andy said in my head Elle relax I'm right here.

I smiled and said ok my heart was racing and I tried to steady my breathing so I wouldn't pass out.

A couple minutes later we all sat down in our chairs and waited for the principal to start the ceremony.

A little while later we stood up and sung the national anthem then sat down and the principle started announcing the valedictorians.

We all clapped and cheered for them I said holy shit I'm about to graduate my eyes started watering and I bit my lip.

I wiped my cheeks and continued cheering for my classmates a couple minutes later Andy and the people with the last name B lined up at the stage.

A couple minutes later the principle announced ANDREW BIERSACK and he accepted his diploma and took a picture and walked off stage.

I was clapping and cheering and smiled widely Andy said in my head thank you princessa I smiled and bit my lip.

A little while later they got to the last name with Gs I stood by the stage and felt my heart race.

Nat and Andy were clapping and cheering and said go bestie and I started laughing and shook my head and walked up the steps.

The principal announced ELLE GUIDRY every one was cheering and clapping I smiled and accepted my diploma and took a picture.

I walked off the stage smiling and I had tears streaming down my face and I bit my lip and mumbled I did it.

A little while later the principle announced NATALIE ROBINSON I smiled and started clapping and cheering and smiled.

An hour later the principle said congrats seniors you may now throw your hats in the air.

I smiled and kept mine on and they let the parents out first a little while later they let the students out.

Andy and nat met up with me and we met up with our parents and took pictures together.

After we left the civic center we went to IHOP and hung out and ordered food.

I sat next to Andy and nat we all smiled and hung out and smiled.

After we ordered our food we all hung out and talked about random shit and laughed together.

Lucy gave me a hug and said congrats sis I smiled and said thanks she kissed my cheek and gave me a hug.

A little while later we all left the restaurant and headed home nat came home with us and we all headed inside.

Andy went to go hunting because he was hungry and needed blood as he would say.

Me and nat hung out and talked about random shit and grabbed my bag and planned out outfits.

After we finished planning and packing the outfits I was gonna go help nat at her house.

My mom said she is going to get my siblings to start packing tomorrow for the trip.

Me and nat fell asleep a little while later because we were exhausted.

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