8 Thursday

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My alarm went off and I woke up and sighed. I said great another day in hell just my luck I yawned and stretched and got out of bed and turned off my alarm. I went to my bathroom and used the restroom and brushed my hair and teeth and walked out after. Matthew and Lucy were downstairs and hanging out together.

Someone knocked on the door and my mom answered it and said hello. She yelled ELLE SOMEONE IS HERE TO SEE YOU I said OK SEND THEM UPSTAIRS my mom said her room is upstairs. I was changing then I heard a knock on my door I said come in. My door opened and Andy came in and said hey Elle I said oh hey Andy he smiled and said I got roses for you.

I turned around and said Andy are you serious he smiled and said yea I feel terrible and I wanted to apologize to you. Andy said I'm really sorry for being an asshole Elle I smiled and said thanks I appreciate it. I took the roses and smelled them they smelled absolutely amazing I said I forgive you. Andy smiled and gave me a hug and said good I'm glad you forgive me.

Andy went downstairs to go pick up the flowers. I finished getting ready and headed downstairs everyone was talking. Matthew said mom left I said ok you guys ready Andy said I'll drive myself to school. I said no you come with me he smiled and said ok I quickly used the restroom and headed outside. I locked the front door and unlocked my car everyone jumped in and closed their doors.

I said um well ok that works to I got in my car and closed it and locked the door. I said I need to get gas before we drop off Lucy everyone said ok. I buckled up and turned on the car and started backing out of the driveway. Andy turned on my radio and we all started jamming out while leaving the neighborhood. I don't understand why Andy was being an asshole but I'm happy that he is being nice to me now.

A couple minutes later I stopped to get gas and then we dropped off Lucy and headed to school. After we got to school I parked and turned off the car and we all got out. I locked the car and we all headed inside and walked to our classes. Andy walked beside me and glued his arm around my waist he was freezing cold I bit my lip.

All the football players looked at me and Andy Nat was already in class. Jack said aww are you guys a couple i looked at Andy and his eyes went to a pitch black and Jack immediately ran away. Andy blinked his eyes and they were back to their icy blue color he looked at me and smiled. I was completely confused as to how his eyes can do that I said um ok strange. A couple minutes later we got to class and sat down in our seats.

Someone threw something at my head and I opened it. It said ew bitch you are so ugly why don't you just go kill yourself I crumbled it back up and went to throw it but Andy grabbed it. I said no its fine but he opened it and read it I heard a low growl and he shredded the paper with his hands and threw it away and sat down. I just looked at him in complete and udder shock I said um ok and he just sat back down in his seat.

A couple minutes later the bell rung and everyone else came into class and sat down in their seats. The teacher closed the door and took attendance then the morning announcements came on. She said really I was in the middle of taking attendance and we all laughed and shook our heads.

A couple minutes later the principle talked about the girl that went missing from school and was murdered. I looked at Andy and his jaw clenched slightly I said ok and continued looking down and listening to the announcements.

The teacher took attendance after the announcements were over. The teacher said she had two bit marks on her neck thats extremely weird. I said I don't know whats going on the teacher said I know everyone be careful and don't go out late at night. We all said ok in unison Andy looked extremely angry about it I said you ok.

Andy looked at me and said yea in an angry tone. He said don't touch me I said Andy what the fuck he raised his voice slightly and said don't fucking touch me. I quickly moved my hand and turned and looked at the door. In my head Andy said I'm sorry and I jumped and said shit I forgot you could read my mind. I laughed and shook my head and looked at Andy and he smiled and shook his head.

We didn't do anything today which was extremely boring. Andy kept bothering me I said stopp your bothering me Andy leaned forward and kissed me. I felt sparks shooting throughout my body when he pulled back he smiled widely and went back to doing whatever he was doing.

I looked at Nat and she said awww that was adorable I said um that just caught me off guard. She said you guys would be absolutely adorable together I shook my head. In my head Andy said wow your so sweet I turned my head and looked at him and he smiled widely. I shook my head and looked at my phone I said Andy back off he stuck his tongue out and I said I will cut your damn tongue out.

He said hey thats like extremely mean I laughed and said oh well I rolled my eyes. The girls in the back I could hear them talking about me I rolled my eyes and sighed. I asked the teacher if I could go to the bathroom and I grabbed my purse and the hall pass and walked out.

I started getting extremely depressed and having suicidal thoughts. I went into the bathroom and used it I also washed my hands and took out my small razor blade in my purse. I lifted up my right sleeve and made two small cuts I quickly washed off the blade and picked it up.

I quickly cleaned my wrist and the sink there was a little bit of blood in it. I cleaned the crimson liquid and covered my wrist back up and walked out of the bathroom. I walked back into class and put the hall pass up. Andy immediately looked at me and squinted his eyes I said ok he stood up and darted towards me.

Andy lifted up my wrist and smelled it and his eyes rolled back I said dude what the fuck and he looked at me and smiled and I saw fangs and his eyes went pitch black. I forced my wrist out of his grip and immediately went back to my desk Andy also sat down. He said your bleeding I said no I'm not but he didn't believe me.

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