75 Saturday

22 1 0


I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and went into my bathroom and closed the door.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then headed back into my room.

Cody was completely knocked out and snoring lightly I smiled and bit my lip and looked at him and gave him a hug.

I walked out of my room and went into Lucy's room she was awake and watching movies.

Lucy said Elle what are you doing up right now I shrugged and climbed into her bed and got comfortable.

Lucy continued watching her movie on her TV after I got comfortable I fell asleep a couple minutes later.

A little while later Lucy turned off her TV and went to sleep after she got comfortable.

A couple of hours later my mom woke up and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen to cook breakfast for everyone.

A little while later Cc woke up and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen to help my mom cook breakfast.

I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of my sister's bed and walked out of her room and went into my room.

Cody woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed and said morning Elle.

I said hey and went into my bathroom and closed the door Cody went downstairs and went into the kitchen.

I brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom then then back into my room and grabbed my phone and headed downstairs and went into the kitchen.

My mom said I am so happy my baby is back home for the weekend I smiled and said of course I missed you guys a lot.

My mom said so we might stay in today and go out shopping tomorrow we said ok works too.

My mom said actually we need to go grocery shopping I said me and Cc as well.

Cc said we can head back to our house and drop off the groceries then come back here I said that sounds like a good idea.

My mom said ok yea we can definitely do that after everyone is awake or if Lucy and Matthew don't want to go with us.

After breakfast was finished cooking we all hung out and ate breakfast.

A little while later Lucy came downstairs and we told her the plan and she said I am definitely coming with you guys.

We laughed and said ok sounds good Lucy sat down and started eating breakfast.

I picked up everyones dishes and headed upstairs and got ready for the day and sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs.

A little while later everyone headed upstairs so they could get ready for the day so we could leave and head to the store.

I sat down on the couch and talked to Andy while I waited for everyone to get ready I told him the plan and he said ok sounds good.

A little while later everyone came downstairs and said ok we are ready to go.

I said ok and got off the couch and used the restroom and walked out of the house.

My mom said Matthew is staying at home I said ok sounds good.

Me and Cc got in my car and my mom Cody and Lucy all went in one car together since we wouldn't have room.

Plus me and Cc are dropping off the groceries at our house then coming back to my mom's house.

I let Cc drive since I'm too tired to drive me and Cc jammed out while driving to the store.

A little while later we got to the store and parked the car and headed inside and grabbed a cart.

I made a list while I was waiting for everyone to get ready for the day.

My mom Cody and Lucy met up with us in the store and we ended up going our own ways.

Lucy decided to go with me and Cc since she is now attached to him.

Lucy held Ccs arm and I smiled while we walked around the store and grabbed things we needed.

Cc said Lucy are you going with me and Elle to drop off the groceries at our house.

Lucy smiled and said yea sure I would love to go with you guys I smiled and said ok that works too.

A hour later we finished shopping and checked out and walked out of the store and loaded our car and closed the trunk.

I let my mom know me and Cc were taking her back to our house she said ok I don't mind just drive carefully.

We all got in the car and buckled up Cc locked the car and turned it and on and started driving out of the parking lot.

I turned on the radio and we all started jamming out and laughed together.

I looked out of the window while we were driving back to our house I was super excited because we finally have more food.

A little while later we got home and grabbed all of the groceries and headed inside.

The guys helped us bring all of the bags in and pick up the food.

Lucy hung out with andy in the living room while we spent a while picking up the groceries.

After we finished picking up the groceries we left and headed back to my mom's house.

She texted me before we left that she was going to be cooking dinner when we got home.

Me Lucy and Cc all jammed out on the way back to our house we ended up stopping and filling up my car with gas.

After we got home we headed upstairs and got ready for bed and headed downstairs and waited for dinner.

A little while later my brother came downstairs because my mom started plating the food and handing it to us.

We all sat down at the table and started eating dinner my mom picked up the food and sat down and started eating dinner.

After we finished eating we picked up our dishes and headed upstairs and went into our rooms and went to bed.

Me and Cody stayed up and talked about random shit and laughed together for a while.

Me and Cody ended up falling asleep at around 2 am because we were busy talking about his music and band career.

I got to listen to some of his songs and I instantly fell in love with them.

A couple of hours later me and Cody got comfortable and fell asleep for the night after we finished listening to his band.

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