26 Saturday

44 1 0


I checked my phone and it said 2 am suddenly Cc appeared in my room and I jumped and said Jesus Christ. Cc started laughing and said my bad it's my turn to watch your house.

I laughed and said ok and turned off my TV and plugged my phone in. I got out of bed and went into the bathroom and used it then headed back into my room.

I headed downstairs and got a monster out of the fridge and a snack and headed upstairs. I climbed into bed and talked to Cc and ate my snack and drank my monster.

Cc is actually really sweet and funny he's also really chill and easy to talk to I told him about Jack and he shook his head and said asshole.

I said do you think Andy would kill him Cc started laughing and said yes Andrew would definitely kill Jack and so would Andy and all of our friends.

Cc said well the police might find his body in the forest but who knows to be honest. I laughed and said yea Jack is kinda an asshole and he would deserve to die.

Cc said oh yea he's lucky I haven't killed him myself I smiled and looked down and bit my lip snd said yea he deserves to pay for what hes done to me.

A little while later I said I'm bored and got out of bed and threw my trash away. Cc said you wanna go in the forest with me I said is that safe. He laughed and said I'll protect you I said ok and quickly changed and sprayed some body spray on.

A couple minutes later I grabbed my keys and gave Cc a hug and closed my eyes. Everything went pitch black and I felt a breeze touch my neck I opened my eyes and pulled back.

I smiled and said why is that the coolest thing ever Cc laughed and said I don't know but I agree with you. We started walking down the sidewalk and I put my keys in my pocket.

Cc said I will stay next to you the whole entire time incase we need to leave. I said ok and followed behind him and bit my lip. Cc said there is a huge tree branch in the way so I will move it.

I said aw thank you he started laughing and said I just don't need you getting hurt on my watch. It was extremely quiet outside except for crickets chirping.

A couple minutes later me and Cc got to the edge of the forest and he moved the tree branches. I laughed and said damn your strong he laughed and said thank you super strength.

I said must be nice and we started laughing together Cc grabbed my hand and I walked next to him through the forest.

The trees were swaying in the wind and I took in a deep breath of the earthy smell.

Cc said you like the forest I said I just like sneaking out he laughed and said oh bad girl I said uh huh.

Me and Cc carefully walked behind trees incase someone was in the forest I stayed close behind him.

A couple minutes later we got behind a tree and he pulled me down so we wouldn't get seen.

I knelt down next to him and looked around the tree and tried not to make too much noises.

A couple minutes later I saw a group of people walk into the forest holding a guy who was passed out.

I mumbled shit that's jack I looked at Cc and he smiled widely and looked at me and said uh huh I know.

I said they are gonna kill him Cc said yea I laughed and said asshole anyway Cc said yea I know.

I looked back and saw Andy in his vampire form aka Andrew and his friends in their vampire form as well.

Andrew tossed Jack on the ground and he immediately woke up and said yo what the fuck is going on who are you guys.

Andrew started laughing and said this is what you get for hurting my girlfriend he picked him up by the collar and threw him into a tree and he fell.

I said holy fuck Andrew started laughing and picked him up and slit his throat and blood went every where and she started drinking his blood then dropped him.

His friends immediately started drinking his blood as well Andrew had blood dripping down his mouth.

He sniffed deeply and his eyes rolled back and he said I know that smell Cc looked at me and whispered close your eyes.

I closed my eyes and everything went pitch black and I opened my eyes and we were back in my room. I said he's pissed huh Cc said oh you have no fucking idea.

A little while later I climbed into bed and got comfortable and fell asleep a couple minutes later. Cc continued looking out my window and made sure Jason wasn't in the forest.

A couple of hours later my mom woke up and got ready for work then left a little while later. Cc was still watching the house but he had passed out in my chair.

I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and took a picture of cc then put my phone down and sighed and said I don't wanna fucking get up.

A little while later I forced myself out of bed and went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

I headed back into my bedroom and headed downstairs and made breakfast and cooked for my siblings. A little while later my siblings came downstairs and ate breakfast and we all talked about our plans for today.

I said we need to go grocery shopping so write a list my siblings quickly wrote a list of things we needed for the week.

A little while later we all went to the grocery store and we bought food for the week. I also got a couple of other things then we headed home and picked up the food.

A couple of hours later my little sister helped me with cooking dinner for everyone. A little while later my mom came home and we all ate dinner together and talked about our day.

After dinner we all did the dishes and headed upstairs and went to bed for the night. My mom had her bags packed so she could leave tomorrow for her trip.

I chilled on my phone until I fell asleep for the night.

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