32 friday

39 1 0


I randomly woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched and got out of bed. I checked my phone it said 2 am I said what the fuck.

I put my phone down and quickly used the restroom then headed downstairs and got coffee then headed back upstairs.

I started drinking my coffee and listening to music on my phone and picking out clean clothes for tomorrow.

After the coffee kicked in I quickly took a hot shower then dried off and changed and sprayed some body spray on.

I headed downstairs and picked up my dirty clothes up then headed upstairs and did some skin care for a while.

Suddenly Andy appeared in my room and I jumped and he laughed and sat down next to me on the floor. He said Elle babe it's 4 am I said I know I woke up at 2 am.

He said Jesus couldn't sleep I said nope and continued drinking coffee to help wake me up for the day. Andy said I love you I smiled and said I love you too Andy and he kissed my head.

I started smiling and blushing slightly and he said aww I said shut up and we started laughing together. I said Mr. Vampire he smiled and showed his fangs and I said uh huh and continued laughing.

Andy looked at me and smiled and his eyes were sparkling in the light from my mirror. Andy said you are so fucking beautiful Elle I smiled and said thanks.

Andy kissed my head and gave me a hug and said my forever I said my forever and he pulled me closer. A little while later me and Andy climbed into bed and fell asleep a couple minutes later.

Andy said I'm gonna head home I said ok and he left and I fell asleep after I set my alarm on. A couple of hours later my alarm went off and I woke up and groaned fuckkkk and yawned and stretched.

I turned off my alarm and got out of bed and woke up my siblings then headed back into my room and closed my door.

I went into the bathroom and closed the door and brushed my hair and teeth and also used the restroom.

I already changed last night so I sprayed some body spray on and grabbed everything I needed and headed downstairs and waited on my siblings.

A couple minutes later my siblings came downstairs and we all left the house and headed to school for the day. Andy decided to drive my car to school I was laughing while jamming out to music together and looked out the window.

After we dropped off Lucy we headed to school for the day and headed inside and went to our classes. Matthew went to his class after he gave me a hug.

Nat was sitting in her seat and she looked up at me and said hey sister I smiled and gave her a hug and she smiled and I sat down next to her.

Andy sat down next to me and said so hopefully school goes by quick so I can go home. I said my mom comes home tomorrow.

Andy said well thats fun nat said I miss your mom as well I said yea me too and I smiled. I gave Andy a hug and kissed his cheek and he smiled and said I love you.

I said I love you more Andy and he smiled and kissed my head and said my baby I laughed and said yep. Nat said awww I hope you guys get married I laughed and said me too.

A couple minutes later the bell rung and everyone came into class and sat down in their seats and waited for class to start.

I was busy playing on my phone and talking to my mom since she was on a break for a while. I smiled and continued texting my mom until she had to go back to work.

The teacher quickly took attendance then sent it to the principal after the morning announcements came on and everyone went quiet and listened.

After the announcements ended the teacher started talking about the plans for today and everyone listened. A couple of hours later school finally ended and everyone walked out of the building.

Me Andy and Matthew all got in my car and left and headed to go pick up Lucy from school. Andy was driving my car I watched him while we picked up Lucy.

After we picked her up we left and headed to get food and go home. After we got home Andy left and went to his house.

Me and my siblings ate dinner and talked about our day after we finished eating we headed upstairs and went to bed for the night.

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