Chapter 101: Sweethearts Brunch

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Looking at his phone in shock, Damian motions for Ruby to come closer.

Confused, Ruby did what he asked and stayed silently still when he placed a finger on his lips.

He then puts the phone on speaker and asked, "Adrien, can you repeat that again?"

"I made Plagg mad, so he bit me on the ass in retaliation." Adrien answered.

Her eyes becoming as wide as saucers, Ruby snorted and tried to stifle her laughter with her hand.

But it was all in vain and she ended up chortling like a hyena as she held her stomach and fell to the floor with tears running down her face.

There was silence on Adrien's end for a few seconds before he asked, "Damian, do you have me on speaker?"

"Yep." Damian replied, popping the 'p.'

"You bastard." Adrien said in annoyance.

Not even fazed, Damian shrugged his shoulders. "Accurate. But that is nothing new. Anyway, why did Plagg bite you?"

"Because he thinks that I was patronizing him, even after the effort he put into a stupid cheese metaphor."

The model then hisses in pain, "OW! Would you stop biting me?!" He exclaimed angrily.

On Adrien's end, Plagg glared at his holder after just biting him in the forearm.

"You take that back! It was not stupid! That Cheese Metaphor had symbolic meaning."

Sighing in exasperation, Plagg crosses his arms and looks at Adrien with an unamused expression.

"I'm sure that if Ruby and Damian heard it, they'd instantly get it." He stated.

The Kwami then groans and makes a side remark.

"I don't understand it. How is it that I have a holder that despite being smart academically. Is not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to girls?"

"Hey, I'm not that dumb!" Adrien said, taking offense to that.

"Yes, you are." Damian stated.

Scoffing in disbelief, Adrien said, "You don't even know what Plagg said."

"Don't need to. Whenever your intelligence is brought into question especially involving certain social cues, it's the truth."

The boy wonder shrugs his shoulders as he stated, "You are not exactly the sharpest tool in the shed."

Smirking smugly, Plagg said, "See, I told you."

"HEY!" Adrien said, taking an even bigger offense to that remark.

"Anyway, don't you have a date to get ready to in like..." Damian paused for a moment to look at the time. "An hour from now?"

"It's not a date. Besides, I'm just going to be honest with the Dupain-Cheng's. This is just a huge misunderstanding. Anyway, thanks for the talk."

Once Adrien hanged up, Damian looked at Ruby, who had sat down next to him on the couch.

"Well, this is a fine mess that fool has gotten himself into." Ruby stated.

Chuckling, Damian wraps his arm around her to bring her close.

"Too true, Beloved. Too true." Damian said in agreement.

Meanwhile at Marinette's place, Tom is whistling to himself as he happily places the plates on the table for brunch.

And while he's doing that, Marinette is on her balcony looking for Chat Noir with Tikki.

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