Chapter 53: Adrien's Crazy Fans

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"Okay, Adrien...this is the moment of fate." Adrien muttered to himself as he entered his father's atelier.

"Father?" He questioned, looking at the man who was looking of his newest designs.

"Yes, what is it, Adrien?" Gabriel asked, not even honoring his son with a glance, and just kept on working.

"Father, there's something I'd like to talk to you...about. Can I have a few minutes of your time?" Adrien asked as he fidgets with his ring.

"Yes, of course." Gabriel replied.

Adrien looked at his father in shock before looking at him happily. "Really?"

"I'll tell Nathalie to let you know as soon as I'm available." Gabriel proclaimed.

And just like that all of his happiness was deflated and popped like a balloon. "It'll be too late then." He muttered under his breath.

Hearing him, Gabriel finally looked at his son and noticed that he was fidgeting with his ring.

Gabriel narrows his eyes at it since he cannot help but be think about how similar it is to Chat Noir's Ring, except that it was silver and not black.

But the similarities the two rings share in shape is uncanny.

Furthermore, the thing that nags him the most is the fact that he does not know where Adrien got that ring.

Everything Adrien wears is Gabriel Brand, and he knows for a fact that he has never made a ring like that.

It just...came out of the blue and the fact that Adrien refuses to take it off even when he is modeling is suspicious now that he thinks about it.

"Shouldn't you be practicing your piano?" He questioned.

Adrien looks down in dejection at another failed attempt at talking to his father. "Yes." He replied before walking out of the atelier and closing the door behind him.

Once he was gone Gabriel brings up video footage of Chat Noir from the Ladyblog on his computer.

He pauses the video and rewinds it before zooming in to take a closer look at Chat Noir's ring.

Going onto another website, Gabriel brings up a picture of an advertisement featuring his son and zooms in to take a closer look at his ring.

Placing the videos side-by-side Gabriel studies the two rings.

And as much as he wanted to deny it, the two rings looked exactly alike. "That's impossible!"

Deciding to get to the bottom of this Gabriel bursts through his atelier's doors and marches upstairs to Adrien's room.

The Gorilla notices him while standing in the doorway and moves out of the way to let his boss enter Adrien's room.

And as Gabriel neared the door, he could hear piano music playing but when he opens his son's door to his utter shock as well as the Gorilla's, the room was found to be completely empty.

Additionally, the music that they heard playing was coming from Adrien's phone which was hooked up to a speaker.

Gabriel then notices the opened window and realized that Adrien had snuck out.

And this fact made him angry, not only did his son sneak out but he did it without both his bodyguard and Natalie realizing.

Furthermore, while he was extremely angry at his son's actions, he was also stricken with fear that something terrible might happen to his son.

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