Chapter 49: Markov

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"What's taking Diana so long to teach us?" Marinette questioned softly.

Right now, the designer is walking to class with Damian and Ruby.

"We've asked and apparently the place that she's going to be training you is still under renovations." Damian explained.

"Aka Bruce is probably outfitting a warehouse to be a secret bat cave or something." Ruby proclaimed.

Marinette's eyes widen at the very idea of the Dark Knight going to such extremes. "He doesn't really need to do that."

"Bruce wants you to have absolute privacy. Besides, Diana is training you, which means you might have to fight her. And do you really think you could do that in something that has the same amount of leg room like your house?"

Marinette thinks about it for a moment before agreeing with her.

Suddenly her scroll rings.

Going into her pocket, she takes it out and answers it. "Hello?" The Huntress smiles and stops in her tracks. "Hey Blake, how's it going?"

The smile on her face brightened at the news that the Cat Faunus was telling her. "That's great!" She snorts in amusement, "Wait...he went down with a smack to the head and ran?"

She then fist pumps into the air, "Yes! Is Yang still there? Can you put her on speaker?"

There was silence for a few seconds before she said, "In your face Xiao-Long! Be ready to be my servant for the week when I come back during Fall break!"

She then calms down and asks, "So Is there anything else you wanted to tell me?"

Damian and Marinette stared at each other in bewilderment and wondered on what the Huntress is talking about.

They then grew both curious and worried when they saw the shocked look on her face, which quickly turned to a look of outrage.

"What?!" Ruby hissed quietly under her breath so she wouldn't draw attention. "Please tell me that low life is locked up!"

Blake then tells her something that made her calm down from shock. "Oh, well I guess that works too..." She scratches the back of her head. "I guess he outlived his usefulness to her."

Ruby talked to her teammate for another two minutes before she started to hang up. "Thanks Blake."

"What was that about?" Damian questioned.

Ruby looks around at the amount of people walking through the school.

She then looks at them and whispered, "Not here."

Nodding their heads, the three friends walked off to a quieter and vacant location.

"So, spill." Marinette said.

"It was Blake, she just defeated the White Fang, but Adam Taurus got away."

Angry that Adam had gotten away, Damian growls and grit his teeth.

Marinette on the other hand was confused and wondered on who Adam was and why it was bad that he got away?

"Good news is that he was the only one that escaped and as a result he practically abandoned all of the White Fang Members that came with him. So, it's very unlikely that he has the loyalty of the White Fang now."

Damian smirked in satisfaction that Adam will know what it feels like to run away and be alone. "Anything else?"

Ruby grimaces in anger before answering. "Well Headmaster Lionheart was a traitor and was working with Salem."

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