Chapter 64: Going down with the Ship

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Back with Captain Hardrock, she had destroyed another bridge and smiled as she looks through her telescope and saw XY'S concert.

"New target located. Fire at XY!" She ordered.

And just like at Jagged Stone's concert, the Liberty fires speakers that stick to any surface they landed on and began to play music.

Which of course sent everyone running for their lives.

"And now..." She muttered as she searches for the next big concert but just as her eyes landed on Clara Nightingale, she realized that she had saw something for a quick second and looks back.

"Huh? What was that?" She looks at the roof of a building and saw Chat Noir right on top of it. And the cat hero knew that she had seen him and winked.

"Fire at Chat Noir!" She ordered and the Liberty fires at him, but Chat Noir jumped from the roof and made his way over to Captain Hardrock's ship by jumping onto the flying speakers.

Landing on the deck, Chat Noir was ready for a fight, but Captain Hardrock made sure that he wouldn't get the chance. "Seize him!"

And soon Chat Noir found himself caught in the chains, however it was at that moment that Ladybug and the others had finally made their appearance and Robin had use his sword to break the chains.

Yelping in shock, Chat Noir falls onto the floor and his comrades looked at him in surprise before looking back at Captain Hardrock as she ordered the Liberty to send more chains. "Seize them!"

However, this time the heroes were ready and used their skills to dodge and block the chains.

It was at that moment that police sirens could be heard and when everyone looked, they saw that it was Roger with a crew of policemen on boats. "I command you to stop in the name of the law!"

Upon seeing officer Raincomprix, Captain Hardrock's eyes burned with unadulterated fury at the man who wanted to take her freedom away.

"Fire, Liberty!" She ordered and the Liberty fired at the police fleet, launching them all into the air.

Moving into action the heroes jump up to rescue the policemen and Ladybug had made the string of her yoyo become a makeshift net that had caught Officer Roger and his crew.

Once they were saved, Ladybug lowers them down on the solid ground and retracts her yoyo as she lands near them with her team.

"Thank you." Officer said gratefully.

"Stay undercover, we will take care of her." Ladybug proclaimed.

"Time for the treasure hunt!" Captain Hardrock exclaimed as The Liberty fires at them but of course like last time the heroes manage to dodge the incoming cannonball speakers.

"I hope you've got your sea legs kitty!" Ladybug said as she blocks a speaker with her yoyo.

"I'll be purr-fect, as long as I stay dry!" Chat Noir stated.

And with that the heroes quickly made their way back to the Liberty and skid across the deck.

"Seize them!"

The Liberty tried to chain them up again, but the heroes dodge them and began to use the chains as footholds to reach Captain Hardrock and surround her.

Who fought them all off before jumping away and landing high up on the rope ladder. "Ho, ho, ho!"

"Any idea where the Akuma is?" Chat Noir questioned as him and the others went back to dealing with the incoming chains.

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