Chapter 13: Home Away From Home

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Leaning against the doorframe, Yang frowns as she stares at Ruby.

Who was busy packing her things so her and Damian could leave for Paris. "Do you have to be the one to take this mission?"

After their vacation ended, both Damian and Ruby of course came back to the tower and were greeted by the other Titans.

And not even a second before their arrival that all of the Titans hugged Ruby into a group bear hug and refused to let go.

The Huntress ended up nearly suffocating mainly since the mainly people that had a decent hold on her was Penny and Yang.

And Yang had a death grip on her to the point that the others had to pull her off of her.

But their stay was short lived since they were only staying for a few more days so Bruce could finish not only getting their apartment ready but put furniture in it as well.

Which she found surprising at first since he started doing this the night after their meeting with ladybug and Chat.

Which was 2 ½ weeks ago.

And admittedly she was shocked that he managed to get things done in a short amount of time.

But once she thought about it, she remembered that he was Bruce Wayne. The ultra-rich billionaire playboy.

And with that thought in mind it would not surprise her if the people in the leasing office were jumping at the chance to meet his demands.

"Yes Yang, we've been over this. Me and Damian are the ones that are closest to this situation and as such it makes sense for us to be the representatives."

Yang rolled her eyes and groans. "I know but...I'm just worried about you..." the blonde frowns and looks away. "You died Ruby...and even if that Ladybug girl fixed everything, you can't guarantee that she'll win and fix everything every time."

"I know that Yang, true, Ladybug is very proficient with a 100% success rate but that doesn't mean I'll just let myself get sloppy. A miraculous cure can't fix everything."

Leaning off the doorframe, Yang walks over to her sister.

Turning around to face her, Ruby was about to speak when Yang hugs her tightly. " careful. I don't know what I'll do if we lose you."

Smiling, Ruby holds her back. "I promise."

"Zahra, our ride will be here in 8 minutes are you almost ready?" Damian asked, sticking his head into the room.

Ruby pulls away from Yang and looks at her boyfriend. "Almost. I'll meet you downstairs."

"Very well." Damian replied before taking his leave.

Patting her shoulder, Yang smiled at her. "I should let you pack."

With that the blonde left as well.

Turning back to her task, Ruby puts the rest of her stuff in her luggage.

Once she was done, she went downstairs but as she was walking through the halls she bumped into Weiss.

Who said nothing and hugged her. "Be careful you dolt, don't go dying on me again."

Hugging her with her free arm, Ruby pats her back. "I promise."

Letting her go, the two teammates go down to the front and were met with the others.

"Ruby!" Penny exclaimed and tackled the huntress in a hug.

"Ugh! Why!" The huntress groans in agony from the oxygen being knocked out of her lungs.

Getting up, Penny smiled as she grabs Ruby's hand and helped her up to her feet.

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