Chapter 83: Anansi

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It was a nice sunny day, and right now Ruby was showing Marinette pictures as they sat on a bench in a far corner.

And Marinette was gushing over the pictures since they were of the newest member of the Bat Clan.

Mar'i Grayson.

Who was born on February 18th.

And was wearing a black batman themed onesie that said, "I just spent 9 months in the batcave."

She even had a cute little black hat with "bat ears" on it.

"Oh my god she is so cute!"

"Isn't she? Me and Damian are going to meet her later today." Ruby announced.

"What's her name?" Marinette asked.

"Mar'i. They named her after Bruce's mom, but they gave it a Tamaranean spin."

"That's nice." Marinette remarked.

Suddenly the bell rings and so the girls were forced to get up and go to class.

Once school ended, they said their farewells and went their separate ways.

Soon hours passed and right now, Marinette is at Alya's place.

And is watching Alya and Nino playing just dance in the living room.

Furthermore, since Adrien couldn't come over, she had the idea to do a videocall with him.

Marinette smiled at her friends, happy that they managed to make up somehow.

"They're so in sync with each other." She remarked.

"You're right. Someday I hope I'll find someone I can share everything they do."

Adrien sighs as he looks up at the ceiling. "But that probably won't be happening for a while.'

Marinette turns the camera so it would be facing her.

"Are you sure your dad won't let you come? It's such a bummer."

"You know how overprotective he is. But at least we're making progress, one baby step at a time."

"Big finish, here we go!" Nino exclaimed.

"You don't wanna miss this." Marinette stated and pointed her phone at Nino and Alya.

"Yeah!" Nino exclaimed as he strikes a pirouette pose with one leg raised.

Marinette and Alya start laughing at this.

But it was at that moment that Nora had walked through the door.

"Aw, shoot. Did I miss the ballet?"

Alya looked at her sister in shock that she's back so soon. "Nora, is your match over already?"

Nora puts down her bag and strikes a pose with one leg raised.

"First round, total knockout!" She then grunts as she punches the air.

"As usual."

"Also, one of your friends is here for pigtails." She stated and moved out of the way to show Ruby.

Alya frowns and crosses her arms. "Ruby, for what do we owe the pleasure?"

"I'm here for Marinette." Ruby stated and walked over to the designer.

"Ruby what are you doing here? Don't you have a plane to catch?" Marinette asked.

"Not for another hour." Ruby answered and winked, her way of saying that she was lying.

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