Chapter 62: Under the Sea

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Meanwhile underwater, Syren spins around happily with Kim in her arms before she holds him out. "Kim! I've found you at last!" She exclaimed.

Kim lets out small bubbles as a sign that he won't be able to hold is breath for long so Syren uses her aquatic powers to blow an air bubble, and places it over Kim's head so he can breathe.

On the surface, Marinette paddled out of sight of the others and once she was sure that they were alone she opened her purse to let Tikki out. "Okay, we're alone."

"Tikki, spots on!" She exclaimed and transformed into Ladybug.

And she was about to dive down into the water when a voice said. "I'm surprised no one heard you." Gasping in shock, Ladybug jumps back and accidentally tips over the trash bin and falls into the water.

Resurfacing, Ladybug coughs out the water and looked up to see that it was Wonder Woman.

"Wonder Woman?" She questioned.

"In the flesh. Do you need help?"

"No, but you can help the civilians get to higher ground." Ladybug proclaimed.

"Very well." And with that the Amazonian woman flies off.

Taking a deep breath, Ladybug dives down into the water and swam through the submerged streets. As she was turning a corner, she was nearly swallowed by a giant catfish, but she thankfully managed to dodge it.

Needing to breathe, Ladybug swims back up to the surface and takes a few deep breaths before she goes back underwater.

And as she swam around, she had spotted both Syren and Kim. So, she quickly hides behind a chimney before the aquatic villainess could see her.

"This is amazing! I can breathe underwater, just like a fish." Kim said amazed.

Syren looked back at him with a smile. "I knew you'd love it, and I've got lots of other surprises for you, you'll see—"

Deciding this was her chance to save Kim, Ladybug sneakily swims behind them and then used her yoyo to grab Kim by his ankle and pull him away from Syren. "Hey!" Kim said in surprise.

"My prince!" Syren exclaimed and quickly swam after him and pulls him and by extension Ladybug away.

But thankfully, the bug themed heroine managed to grab ahold of a window railing to stop them. However, she was starting to run out of air and had let out a few bubbles.

"With every new environment comes a new set of rules, Ladybug. You won't be able to win this time. Ladybugs can't breathe underwater! Syren, are you going to let Ladybug steal your prince away from you?"

Gritting her teeth, Syren glared at Ladybug. "Never!"

Back on the surface, Chat Noir is leaping between the rooftops with his staff, until he sees Ladybug come flying out of the water, screaming.

"Ladybug?" He said in shock before he moved into action and used his staff to leap up high in the air, catches her, and lands on a roof with her in his arms. "You didn't tell me you were going swimming today."

Ladybug lets out a few coughs as Chat Noir sets her on her feet. "I wasn't planning on it. Ladybugs aren't exactly cut out for deep-sea diving, you know."

"Cats aren't exactly crazy about water either, you know. Is there any chance you can get us a submarine?" He said teasingly and winks at her.

"Paw-ssibly, kitty cat." She said jokingly before she throws her yoyo into the air. "Lucky Charm!"

And the thing that it had created was a medium size mortar bowl.

"Huh. Well, we can always use it to scoop up the water. It'll just take a long time." Chat Noir proclaimed.

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