Chapter 52: Zombizou

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Ruby growls as she stood up and walked out of her seat. "Oh no, I'm not about to let this fly!"

Standing up, Alya scooches over to Marinette's side of their shared desk and grabbed the girl by her wrist. "Ruby you should stay—"

She then stiffens when she saw the deadly look in Ruby's usually bright silver eyes and immediately let go of her and went back to her side of the desk.

"Never mind, by all means go right ahead." She said with a nervous chuckle.

With that the Huntress made her way out the door and closed it behind her.

"Ruby, what are you doing here. You should be in your seat." Ms. Bustier stated.

"I'm here for Marinette, I refused to let her get in trouble for something someone else did, even if there's evidence to conclude that it wasn't Chloé like originally expected."

Marinette nods her head, "Ruby's right! It's so not fair! It was Chloé, pulling another...Chloé! And... I'm the one who's getting in trouble?!"

Ms. Bustier laughs, putting a hand on Marinette's shoulder and kneeling down.

"Of course, you're not in trouble, don't worry! As the class representative, I want you to set a good example for your classmates. Don't give into feelings of anger. Try to forgive Chloé instead."

Marinette's resentment subsides into shock and Ruby was looking at their teacher like she had a second head.

Unknowing to them the Akuma was closing in on Marinette but once her negative emotions dissipated the Akuma stops and flies away.

Which very much displeased Hawk Moth. "Ugh! The emotions have weakened! Get closer, Akuma!"

And with that the Akuma started circling high above waiting for an opportunity to strike.

While this was happening, back in the classroom everyone was glaring at Chloé.

"This is all your fault Chloé!" Alix hissed.

Chloé rolled her eyes in irritation, "How many times do I have to tell you! I didn't do it! Everyone here could literally verify where I was!"

"Yeah, but Sabrina wasn't! You could have easily made her sneak into the locker room and deface Marinette's present!" The skater retorted.

Max does some calculations and says, "That is a 99.99% possibility!"

"Puh-lease, I have never even asked Sabrina do something like that. Tell them Sabrina."

"That's right Chloé never asked me to deface Marinette's bag, I decided to do all of that by myself to avenge Chloé." Sabrina answered truthfully.

Not realizing what she said, Chloé smirks smugly at Alix, "See—" Her eyes then widen when she realized what her friend had said and immediately looked at her in shock. "YOU DID WHAT?!"

Sabrina smiles, "I defaced Marinette's bag."

"WHY?!!" Chloé exclaimed, now angry at the glasses wearing girl.

"Because Marinette deserved it. She was so mean to you Chloé." Sabrina answered.

Gritting her teeth Chloé grabbed her by the front of her shirt. "So, what! Marinette is not worth the time and effort I put into showing everyone that I am trying to be a better person! What you did was uncalled for and made me seem like the bad guy!"

"And it's all because of you that I'm being treated this way!" She pushes Sabrina away and got up and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" Alya questioned.

An Assassin's Rose: HeroesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang