Chapter 51: Ms. Bustier's Birthday

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"I still don't understand why we're doing this." Damian stated as he puts a present in his school bag.

Right now, him and Ruby are getting ready for school, but they had to pack a little extra since it was a special day.

"Because it's Ms. Bustier's birthday and we should do something nice."

"I still think it's stupid, especially since a lot of teachers birthdays have already pass and while there is the occasional gift from a student that remembered the entire class does not pitch in."

"Well, our class see her as a great teacher."

Damian scoffs at that very notion and replied very bluntly. "She's 2nd rate at best."

Ruby snorts in amusement, "Blunt as always my prince."

Damian shrugs his shoulders as he slings his school bag over his shoulder. "It's the truth."

"And yes, while I will admit that she is a good educator and is nice. Her naivete about how the world works and that you always need to be the better person and that you should forgive and forget no matter the severity of the scenario is problematic to say the least."

"Not to mention how hard she tries to implement this view onto others."

Halting what she was doing, Ruby looked up at him with a deadpanned expression and said, "Damian, she tried to "suggest" that maybe Alya and I should make up in front of the class. Trust me I know."

Damian grimaced when he was reminded about that shitshow of Ms. Bustier voicing her opinions on Alya's suspension.

Not to mention she had the gall to do that when Ruby walked through her classroom door first thing in the morning on a Monday.

But the thing that really pisses them off is that they know for a fact that Ms. Bustier expects for Ruby to apologize to the reporter for getting mad in the first place.

Since she believes that apologizing as well would make it even between the two fighting parties.

Furthermore, while she says that she was only making a suggestion it was very clear that she was trying to coax Ruby into making up with Alya. She even "suggested" that maybe Ruby could even write a letter to the reporter and had the audacity to place a piece of paper in front of her.

Unfortunately for her, she was messing with the wrong girl and Ruby had to get Mr. Damocles to make her back down. She however did briefly voice her disappointment to Ruby once they were alone, but she left it alone after that.

With their things all packed the couple took their leave.

Once they made it to the school, they went into the locker room and found it packed with their classmates talking to one another.

"Morning Ruby, Damian." Juleka greeted.

"Morning." They replied back.

They then went their separate ways and put their bags in their lockers.

"Uh...hey Ruby." Ruby sighed in irritation since she remembered that today is Alya's first day back.

And while she was still mad and wanted to stay as far away from the reporter as possible, she decided to be a little cordial about it. "Hello Alya, for what do I owe the pleasure of this interaction?"

The reporter scratches the back of her head awkwardly before sighing in defeat. "Never mind. It's obvious you're still mad."

"Of course, I am. You not only invaded my privacy, but you did it for an extremely selfish reason. Not to mention you made someone as sweet as Marinette cry."

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