Chapter 98: Backwarder

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Back on the train, Adrien was listening to music on his earphones when his phone beeps.

"Huh?" He muttered as he presses down on the alert, which showed him an emergency broadcast.

Nadja Chamack: This just in! There's a new supervillain at large!

The video then showed live footage of Backwarder.

Adrien gasps and stood up, much to Kagami's bewilderment.

Looking at her, Adrien stutters out an excuse. "I—I better go check on my father."

Adrien runs up to the washrooms and presses on the locked door.

"Occupied!" Hawk Moth hissed.

"Oh oops, sorry!" Adrien apologized and went into the other washroom and locks the door.

Lifting his blazer, Plagg flies out. "Gotta go, huh?"

"Plagg, Claws Out!" He exclaimed and transformed into his superhero alter ego.

Peeking out, Chat Noir looks around before sneaking out of the train.

Meanwhile, Backwarder had made her way to the top of a Ferris Wheel and backwards it.

And even though it was moving at a relatively normal pace, the people inside were screaming their heads off like it was moving at breakneck speed.

Moreover, because of her using her powers again, a crack on her face clears up.

Nearby, Ladybug had finally arrived and was hiding behind a wall and peeked at the new villain.

She then gasped when she noticed the Brooch that was working as the holder for the clock hands on Backwarder's chest.

"Oh no! I've seen that brooch before!" She said in dismay.

Groaning in frustration, Ladybug facepalms. "Ugh, I should have thrown that letter in the trash."

Jumping off the Ferris Wheel, Backwarder lands in the middle of the street.

Where she then used her powers on a few cars and a female civilian that was trying to quickly cross the street while pushing a baby stroller.

However, as the mother runs backwards, a car that Backwarder had previously touched was about to hit her.

"Oh no!" Ladybug exclaimed and went to save the civilian and her child.

But suddenly a familiar red blur of rose petals flew past and grabbed the civilian.

Landing in a safe location, Red held onto the mother, who was still trying to run backwards.

"Red." Ladybug said as she lands next to the superheroine.

"So, do you have any idea what caused all of..." Red gestured to the woman. "...This?"

Robin then appeared from the ground with his arms crossed. "That's what I'd like to know."

"Ugh, it's a long story." Ladybug stated and gestured to the woman and added, "One that I can't disclose in front of civilians."

"Ok." Red said as she lets the woman go, which made the woman start to run backwards.

However, because of the area, the woman would eventually run right into a wall, thus stopping her.

As she ran backwards, she almost bumps into Chat Noir. "Whoops!" The cat hero exclaimed as he got out of the way.

He then smirks as he began to moonwalk past his comrades.

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