Chapter 96: Animaestro

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"You doing ok Mari?" Nathaniel asked.

Right now, him, Damian, Ruby, Chloé, Adrien, and Kagami are comforting Marinette.

And Ruby was rubbing her back to comfort her further.

"Don't know. This is just...a lot to take in." Marinette replied.

"That's a given." Kagami said nodding her head.

Suddenly Kagami's mother calls out her name. "Kagami!" And a second later, Nathalie called out Adrien's name. "Adrien!"

Adrien and Kagami looked up to see Natahlie and Mrs. Tsurugi.

"Sorry guys, but we gotta go." Adrien stated.

"We understand." Damian stated.

Getting up, the two walked away.

Somewhere else, the sound of the doorman's voice can be heard. "Who are you? You can't come- wah!"

Getting thrown from the door, the doorman lands near Marinette and the others.

"What the heck?!" Nathaniel exclaimed in shock.

"So, you really think a director does nothing?" Animaestro said rhetorically.

Everyone looked to the door and saw the new villain.

Who looked the same except that he was semi-transparent with pencil-scribbles filling out his body with a white outline.

Moreover, he was wearing a ladybug mask.

"Well, let me show you exactly what I'm capable of." He proclaimed.

"Run!" Marinette hissed in a hushed tone to her friends.

Not needing to be told twice, the teens quickly made a run for it, as did many civilians.

"Oh, come on now! Don't leave! The show's just getting started!"

Animaestro glows for a second before magenta smoke exploded around him.

And when it cleared, it was revealed that the villain had turned into a large green cartoon dinosaur.

Roaring, Animaestro spits a laser from his mouth that exploded into puffs of different colored smoke upon contact.

As he walked away, Marinette, Ruby, and Damian were hiding on the stairway of the roof of the theater.

"Time to transform." Marinette proclaimed.

Moving her hair away from her hair, she shouted, "Tikki, spots on!"

"Vestimentum Muto!"

Once transformed, they ran off to confront Animaestro and ran into Chat Noir on their way.

Once they found him, Chat Noir began to make a wisecrack.

"We'd have come to your movie premiere if we'd have known how upset you were gonna get."

"Chat Noir and Ladybug." Animaestro said, sneering at his enemies.

"What's with that trailer too? I am not scared of cats, at all." Ladybug stated.

Animaestro looked at the heroes in annoyance.

"You haven't even seen the movie and you're already slamming it?!"

"He does have a point, you know." Chat Noir stated.

"If he doesn't want people slamming it, then he shouldn't have made the trailer look so dumb." Red stated.

"Exactly." Robin said in agreement.

Growling angrily, Animaestro spits a laser at them, but the heroes jumped out of the way.

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