Chapter 103: Tower of Thorns

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Eyes widening in horror, Chat Noir could hear his own fast beating heart thump loudly in his chest as he watches Marinette fall.

Running faster, Chat Noir then leaps off the vine and dives. "MARI!" He exclaimed.

Looking at him, Marinette held out her hand towards him.

Catching her in one swoop, Chat Noir held her close as he twists and turns in the air until he was upright.

Landing on another vine, Chat Noir looked at Marinette, who was staring at him in awe as he held her bridal style.

"Marinette, are you ok?" He asked, a second later he then spots her bleeding arm.

Gasping in horror, he gestured towards it. "Marinette, your arm."

Looking at her arm, Marinette grimaced at all the blood that is seeping through her sleeve.

Not to mention it hurts to just even move it by an inch.

Looking back at him she smiled and stated playfully, "Tis but a scratch."

Chat Noir looked at her in shock, but he then smiled and chuckled at her joke.

"Well, you must be fine if you're able to crack a joke in the middle of danger."

Marinette snorts and said proudly, "Ha! I laugh at the face of danger!"

"And here I thought you were a damsel in distress."

Playfully rolling her eyes, Marinette stated, "I'm a damsel and I was in distress, but it's nothing I can't handle."

Slamming her hand on her chest, she added proudly, "Because I'm Marinette."

Looking at him with a mischievous smile, Marinette boops him on the nose.

"And don't you forget that cat boy."

Snorting like a pig, Chat Noir had to bury his face into her neck to stifle his laughter.

Once he calmed down, he looks at her with a bright smile. "I promise, I won't."

His smile then became much warmer and loving. "You are a wonder to this world."

Taken aback, Marinette looked at him with wide eyes before her face turned red, very flattered by his words.

Moving a lock of hair behind her ear she said, "Uh...thank you."

Realizing what he said, Chat Noir's entire face and even the tips of his human ears turned red.

His cat ears just pinned themselves against his skull.

"I mean..." Looking away from her, he began to internally scream at himself for his screw up.

Stupid, he is without a doubt absolutely stupid!

He then gasped when he remembered the oxygen problem.

Taking out his staff, he brought it out and tried to hand it to Marinette. "Here, spare your breath. This will help you breathe."

Confused, Marinette lightly pushed his hand back. "I'm fine Chat Noir, I'm not having trouble breathing."

Taken aback Chat Noir looks Marinette over and realized that she was right. She did not look like she was struggling with every breath.

"But...but how? We're hundreds of miles above the clouds." He stated.

Marinette raises an eyebrow, not seeing the point. "And that's a bad thing?"

"Well yeah, the air is so thin up here that it's hard for a normal person to breathe. Not to mention you should be really loopy right about now."

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