Chapter 94: Chameleon

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After being akumatized Chameleon looks down at herself but saw that she looked the same.

While she was put off that there was no creativity put into her new Akumatized form, she decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth.

Meanwhile in the lockers, Adrien had come inside to get something from his locker.

"Hey Marc." He said greeting the writer.

Marc looked away from his locker and smiled at him. "Hey Adrien. What's up?"

"Just went to grab something." Adrien stated as he goes to his locker.

"Same." Marc replied.

Grabbing what he came for, Adrien waved goodbye to Marc as he took his leave.

However, as he was walking out, Chameleon had found him and had pushed him back in.

She looks around once and was happy to see that Mari-bitch and her gaggle of idiots were gone.

"Hey!" He exclaimed in disbelief and annoyance.

"Adrien, I wanted to apologize for what just happened. I've thought about it and you're right. I—"

Cutting her off, Adrien sneered at her. "Save it Lila, we have already talked about this."

"And quite frankly, it's just sad that you're still being persistent when I made our stance with each other very clear."

And with that he tried to get past her, but Chameleon suddenly grabbed him by the front of his shirt and tried to kiss him.

Adrien however, reacted really fast and began to push her away but she had a strong grip on him.

"Hey! Get off of me!" He exclaimed and tried harder to get her away from him, but Chameleon was not relenting.

Losing his cool, Adrien raised a tightly clenched fist and screamed, "I SAID LET GO!"

Extending his fist forward, Adrien punched Chameleon square in the face.

And there was a satisfying crunching sound when his fist made contact.

Finally letting go of Adrien, Chameleon groans as she's knocked off her feet before falling right on her ass on the floor.

Chameleon groaned as she laid there for a second before she turned on her side and placed her hand on her nose.

Which was gushing out blood like a waterfall.

"I think you broke my nose." She whined in a muffled voice.

Realizing what he just did, Adrien looked down at his now shaky hands in shock.

But he quickly got over it since he knew that if Damian and Ruby were here.

They would probably tell him that it was not his fault since he was the one that was getting harassed and assaulted.

"That's it! I'm going to Principal Damocles." He muttered and began to walk away.

Getting up quickly, Chameleon quickly pounced on him and kissed his cheek.

In doing so she had turned into Adrien and the real Adrien collapses onto the ground, now sound asleep.

"You should've played a long Adrien, now to make Mari-Bitch pay." She muttered maliciously.

Grabbing the model, Chameleon puts him into a locker and leaves.

Unaware that both her and Adrien were not alone as she had thought.

Once she was gone, Marc finally allows himself to breathe.

An Assassin's Rose: HeroesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant