Chapter 93: Fatality!

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Soon it was time for lunch and Chloé was treating her friends to gourmet food.

Or to be more specific Nathaniel, Ruby, Damian, Adrien, Marinette, and Sabrina.

And the reason Adrien was here was because Chloé had to prove to Nathalie, who actually came here herself.

That the food that her chefs had made would follow Adrien's dietary plan.

"Oh, thank you Chloé." Sabrina said as she ate her sushi.

"It's the least I can do after you helped put Lila in her place." Chloé said smugly.

Nathaniel scoffed as he sets his food down and said, "Only for a few hours..."

He then gestures with his thumb at the people that he has dubbed, "The Sheep."

"She's already milking her situation from the sheep."

Everyone looked to see that Ivan, Mylène, Kim, and Max crowding around her.

"I highly doubt Max knows what he's doing, he looks like he's about to fall out." Chloé commented.

Everyone looked at Max and saw that she was right.

He kept on nodding off while standing but thanks to all the talking in the cafeteria, he kept waking up.

"He gets a pass then." Damian proclaimed.

"What lie did she feed them again?" Marinette asked as she ate her food.

Swallowing his siracha chicken wrap, Adrien sets it down.

Where he then starts to rub his fingers together to get rid of the excess food.

Once he finished, he told her the deets.

"She was attacked by a burly delinquent while in Juvie and got her wrist sprained."

He then rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"And as a result, she can't carry anything right."

"Ugh. How dumb are they?" Chloé said in disbelief.

Adrien looks at her with a deadpanned expression.

"Chloé, Lila has been playing truant for months and both our teacher and principal believes her."

"That'll tell you how naïve our friends are being."

"Correction! They are your friends." Chloé stated with a scoff, like the diva she is.

The very idea of her calling those idiots her friends sent a shiver of disgust down her spine.

"I don't have time for people so ignorant. Especially when it comes to Césaire."

Adrien went to say something but suddenly his phone rings.

"Hold on, I need to take this." He stated and walked away.

Lila smiles as her friends or more accurately her servants placed her food in front of her.

"Thank you. You're so sweet!" Lila said sweetly.

Yawning, Max sets down her food. "Here's your appetizer, Lila!"

"And I've got your main course!" Mylène announced and sets it down.

"I'll fetch your dessert!" Kim proclaimed and walked away.

"I'm sorry I can't carry my own tray." Lila said pathetically and held up her "poor wrist."

"It's almost impossible with this sprained wrist."

Everyone from Chloé's table grimaced in disgust.

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