Chapter 44: Consequences

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"We're so not doing that!" Chloé said with a huff.

Right now, her and Nathaniel were in the art room since Nathaniel has after school classes there since he's part of the Art Club.

And while Nathaniel was drawing, him and Chloé were talking about what they're going to do for their project.

But the two could not come to an agreement since Nathaniel wanted to do a project about the long history behind Art.

And Chloé wants to do a PowerPoint that talks about the history behind fashion.

Unfortunately, since they were doing this in the art room, the other members which consist of, Alix, Rose, Ruby, and Marinette.

Have just about had it with their bickering.

Ceasing her street art, Alix took off her gas mask and turns around to face them. "Ugh! Can you two shut up Already!"

Ceasing their bickering for now, both Nathaniel and Chloé point an accusing finger at one another.


"And I've had enough listening to you two bickering like an old married couple! We all are!"

Nathaniel looks around the room and saw everyone giving them disproving looks.

Minus Rose since the bubbly girl had her headphones on and was probably using it to drown out the noise.

The redhaired boy looks down in embarrassment at disturbing everyone.

"I'm sorry." Getting up, he grabs his things before grabbing Chloé by her arm and dragging her out of the room.

"Hey!" The blonde exclaimed.

"Shut it." He hissed under his breath.

Meanwhile somewhere else, Alya was about to put her plan into motion.

"Alya, I don't know about this." Nino said with uncertainty.

"Relax Nino, all I'm doing is taking a picture of her locker." Alya lied.

And the reason for it is since she knows that Nino would tap out if he found out that she was trying to borrow Ruby's phone and she really needs the help.

Making her way over to the lockers, Alya goes over to Ruby's locker but unfortunately before she could even attempt to open it.

She noticed that there was a padlock on it.

Which she really doesn't understand, hardly anyone in their school uses padlocks.

Thinking about it, Alya hums as she tries to guess the code from memory.

Meanwhile in the courtyard, Nino was looking around and gasp when he saw Marinette and Ruby walking over.

Knowing that he has to stop them, Nino walks over to them. "Uh...hey, guys."

Stopping in their tracks, the girls greeted the DJ with a smile.

But it was Ruby, who greeted verbally first. "What's up Nino?"

"Nothing. Just wondering on what you're going to do for your project?" He asked.

"We're still brainstorming. What about you?" Ruby asked.


Marinette raises an eyebrow at her friend's nervous behavior. "Nino are you ok? You seem nervous?"

The DJ began to sweat nervously. "Me nervous! Nah. I'm just catching my breath, Alya had taken my hat and wouldn't give it back until now."

"Speaking of Alya, where is she now?" Marinette asked.

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