Chapter 61: Tears of the Syren

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"Whoever hired that animal extremist without even doing a background search should be fired for this!" Robin hissed as him, his comrades, and unfortunately in his opinion, Rena Rouge ran across the rooftops.

And the reason for this was because they were chasing after zoo animals running amok in the city, because of an animal activist that got a job at the zoo with the sole purpose of freeing the animals.

Nearby there were several TVi helicopters flying around and one of them of course had the news stations best reporter.

Nadja: Nadja Chamack, live above Paris. Escaped animals are invading the city! But Ladybug, Red Huntress, Robin, Chat Noir and their new friend, Rena Rouge, are already on the spot.

Meanwhile in the swimming pool, Kim was in there with his teammate Ondine when the heroes ran across the glass rooftop.

"I'm sure they'll get the animals back in the zoo super-fast." A lifeguard proclaimed.

Kim smiled at him and said, "Right, sir. They are the best!"

Kim then groans as he wipes his face with his towel. "I wish I could be a superhero. The powers. The secrets." Getting up he puts his towel on like it was a cape. "The costume, that would be awesome, right?" He said looking at Ondine.

Ondine laughs at how goofy her friend is. "Yeah, sure." She then goes into her duffel bag for something.

Kim then sits down and began to ask, "How can I become one? You think there's some kind of superhero school, or something? Or maybe more like some super-secret training facility?"

As he was saying this Ondine had taken out a notebook and had written something down on it. After she was done, she rips the piece of paper out and puts it in her swimming bracelet.

She then held it out to Kim. "You wanna know my secret?" Kim smiles happily and jumps out of his seat.

"Yeah, totally! I love this game!" Ondine throws her swimming bracelet into the pool and Kim immediately dives in to fetch it.

Holding it up triumphantly, Kim leans against the edge and opens the bracelet. "I have a serious crush on this boy, but he has no idea." Ondine blushes in embarrassment but she looked at Kim with wide eyes when he started to laugh.

"That boy's clueless!" Kim proclaimed as he gets out of the pool. "Okay, now it's my turn." Handing him the notebook, Kim quickly wrote his secret down and once he was done, he throws the swimming bracelet into the pool.

Getting up, Ondine quickly dives into the pool and gets the bracelet.

Leaning against the railing of the pool Ondine reads the letter. "I can stick my big toe inside my ear?" She then looks up at Kim and saw him actually doing it.

Ondine laughs in utter disbelief before she calms down and held out her hand for the notebook and pen.

Turning away from him, Ondine began to write down her letter but she looked back at Kim and saw him doing squats as he waits.

"Let's stop beating about the bush." She said to herself.

Once she was done, she gave the notebook and pen back to Kim so they wouldn't get wet and put the letter in the bracelet and throws it into the pool.

Climbing up, Ondine sits on the cold hard floor and watches as Kim dives in and resurfaces a few seconds later with the swimming watch in hand.

She looks at him with anticipation as he starts to unfold the letter but then his watch alarm goes off.

He groaned in disbelief. "Ah! The movie! I totally forgot!" He proclaimed as he gets out of the pool.

Ondine looks at Kim in dismay that he did not read her note. "But we haven't finished yet!"

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