Chapter 104: Publicity

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Currently, Marinette was talking to Ruby in the school courtyard, and the latter was laughing her ass off.

"Say what?!" Ruby exclaimed, the huntress tried to stifle her laughter with her hand, but it was in vain.

"It's not funny Ruby." Marinette grumbled. "Yeah, it is. Only you could get yourself in that type of situation. I wish I were there to see it for myself."

Rolling her eyes, Marinette then raises an eyebrow. "Speaking of which, where were you and Damian?"

Ceasing her laughter, Ruby had a deer caught in headlights look and she sat up straight.

Letting out an awkward cough, she stated, "Uh, we were at home watching TV." Marinette narrowed her eyes in suspicion, "That didn't even sound true."

"Well, that's what we were doing." Ruby stated finally. "Anyway, it is strange though. I've heard nothing about the Akuma attack on the news."

Marinette continued to look at her in suspicion before deciding to let it go. "It's not surprising, hardly anything was covered about the Weredad incident."

She shrugs her shoulders. "Some Akumas don't get that much coverage. Like Chameleon for example."

Ruby raises an eyebrow. "Not even about Adrien falling off the Eiffel tower for the umpteenth time but this time due to his recklessness?"

"Oh no, that made headlines within the day. But all anyone knows was that it was an Akuma that was masquerading as Adrien. They don't even know her name."

"Hey guys." Adrien said, popping out of nowhere behind Marinette.

Shrieking, Marinette jumps into Ruby's lap. "Adrien, how do you do that! You're almost as silent as Juleka when she's walking." Marinette stated.

Smiling smugly, Adrien shrugs his shoulders. "Practice, I can't make a sound while on stage. Might scuff up the shoes."

"Oh, that makes sense." Marinette said before she yelps as Ruby pushes her off. "Ruby!"

Just as the bell began ringing, Ruby stood up with a smirk and said, "You'll live. Besides, you're heavy."

Her jaw dropping in offense, Marinette quickly got up and ran after Ruby, who was giggling like a mischievous hyena as she ran away.

"I do not! Come back here!" Marinette exclaimed.

And while this was going on Mayor Bourgeois was meeting with an old friend of his at his hotel.

Making his way towards the dining area, Mayor Bourgeois smiled at his special guests. Which was Bob Roth and XY.

"My good old friend Bob. How wonderful to see you." He shakes Bob's hand before turning to XY.

Where he then pinches his cheek. "And you've brought little Xavier-Yves with you, too."

XY pushes his hand away. "Uh, my peeps call me XY," He does his signature hand gesture. "If you don't mind, Mr. Mayor. Xavier-Yves is way too—"

Mr. Bourgeois cuts him off and began to kiss up since maybe he can get him to play a concert for his dear Chloé. "XY! Of course! The famous DJ XY!"

XY looked at the mayor with a bored look and just sat down with Bob. "It's an honor for the palace to receive such a fantastic artist and his father."

"Does that mean dinners on the house, then?" Bob asked, Mr. Bourgeois stammers. "Uh...uh..."

Bob laughs at how squirmy he got. "I'm joking." He stated.

Mr. Bourgeois laughs as well. "You're too much, Bob. Always the comedian. Enjoy your meal. Bon Appétit!" He then takes his leave.

Bob sighed, shaking his head at how dumb the mayor can be. "I tried." He looks at XY. "Okay, we need to talk about this special TV appearance you're going to be making."

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