Chapter 15: Reevaluating your Attitude

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Right now, it was still lunch time and Ruby was still at Marinette's table talking to Juleka, Rose, and Alix.

"So, what is it like living in Gotham, is it as creepy as they say?" Juleka asked.

"At night yeah. That's when most of the crazies go out. Besides, it doesn't help that a lot of the buildings in Gotham have gargoyles." Ruby answered.

The macabre loving girl smiles, "Awesome."

"Have you ever seen Batman? If so, how terrifying is he?"

"I haven't really seen him in person. Besides, it's a known fact that he's terrifying, he is the Dark Knight after all."

Taking the time to glance over to Damian and Nathaniel Ruby smiles when she sees them getting along.

And the girl's noticed this as well.

"Wow I've never seen Nathaniel being so...sociable. It's nice." Alix commented.

The other's nod their head in agreement.

But then Juleka noticed something at the corner of her eye and turned her head to see that Marc, one of their friends from Ms. Mendeleiev's class.

He was staring at Damian and Nathaniel as well but instead of being happy that Nathaniel was being sociable, he had a look of sadness and envy on his face.

She raised a knowing eyebrow but didn't say anything and turned back to her friends.

Ruby giggles, "Same thing with Damian, he's really come a long way from being a brat. Besides, it helps that those two have a distaste for Chloe."

Alix scoffs, "Who doesn't. She doesn't have a good bone in her entire body."

"Hmm, I wouldn't go that far. I mean she is as spoiled as they come but has shown to have a decent side to her." Ruby stated.

"Oh yeah? Name one time she was nice?" Alix asked wanting to hear how the two-toned haired girl will back up her claims.

"When me and Damian were staying at her father's hotel for 2 weeks. She had her father reimburse our room for the rest of our stay and made all the food free. It was her way of making up to me dying because of Chat Noir."

"Wait what do you mean dying?" Rose asked in horror.

Marinette sighed in exasperation but went ahead and answered for the Huntress.

"Ruby and Damian got caught in the crossfire of a Akuma attack on their first day here. The one with Shadow Hunter. And Chat Noir was admittedly goofing off and flirting at Ladybug. But he was doing this when he should've had been trying to grab the Akumatized object since Ladybug managed to restrained Shadow Hunter."

"But he didn't do that and distracted Ladybug which resulted in Shadow Hunter using Chat's distraction to her advantage and broke free, grabbed her spear and threw it at them, but Ruby was behind them when this happened, and one thing left to another and she ended up dying in Damian's arms."

The girls looked at Marinette in shock before turning their gaze towards Ruby.

"Oh my god, that sounds horrible." Rose said placing her hand over her heart.

"Yeah." Alix agreed.

Looking away from everyone, Alix sighs in mild defeat and rubbed the back of her head awkwardly and she stayed that away for a good minute before turning back to face Ruby.

"Ok I'll admit that sounds rough. But to be honest I still don't believe that Chloe did it out of the goodness of her heart. I mean she could have done it so there wouldn't be bad publicity over the fact one of our heroes was being irresponsible and caused a person's death. A person of the elite at that."

An Assassin's Rose: HeroesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang