Chapter 1: Another Day in the life of a Hero

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It was a peaceful night in Jump City, the people who were still out were casually going about their daily lives without a care in the world.

But of course, that semblance of peace did not last long when a bank truck carrying gold came speeding down the street and was swerving around trying to avoid multiple beams of light being shot at it.

But soon a beam of light managed to hit the back of the wheel, and in doing so not only destroyed it but melted the wheels as well.

Causing the truck to swerve out of control before vaulting into the sky and rolling across the ground before skidding to a stop on its side.

Knowing that it was best not to stick around, the bystanders and people who were still in their cars quickly left the vicinity as the person responsible for this chaos turned the corner.

Which was Dr. Light.

Smirking at a job well done, the villain calmly walks over to the bank truck that was now laying there abandoned since the driver and his coworker had quickly gotten out of the truck and made a break for it

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Smirking at a job well done, the villain calmly walks over to the bank truck that was now laying there abandoned since the driver and his coworker had quickly gotten out of the truck and made a break for it.

Their lives are more important than some gold.

Stopping in front of the truck, Dr. Light's smirk grew wider as he used a small beam to break the doors open, in doing so made some of the gold fall out.

Bending down, the villain was about to grab one when he saw a green light at the corner of his eye.

And when he turned his head he was met with a familiar star-bolt.

Moving quickly, Dr. Light jumps on top of the truck and looked at his enemies.

Which turned out to be almost all of the teen Titans, including their newest member Supernova.

Who was wearing a suit that was completely black with bright green triangular circuit board designs on her hips, and she even had some on her upper arms, but they were mostly covered up by the girl's black gloves that had a diamond shape on the back of her hand.

Not to mention on the side of her upper thighs was a long line that had a power button on the top and went down to her boots, connecting to a green lining.

Furthermore, as a way to hide her identity the young girl wore a black helmet with a green visor that covered half of her face.

On the sides of the helmet were pointed "ears", which were mostly black, but the inner lining was bright green.

And there was a small port in the back that allowed Nova to have her long hair out, which was worn into a ponytail with a dark green bow that has a power button symbol in the middle.

And for some reason she was wearing four green bracelets that seemed to be floating in place.

One each on her wrist while the other two were on her upper arms.

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