Chapter 55: Sapotis

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"Oh man, I hope we do well for our PowerPoint project." Marinette said to Ruby as they made their way to Ms. Bustier's class before the bell rings.

Ruby chuckled and placed a reassuring hand on the designer's shoulder. "Don't worry Marinette, I'm sure we'll ace it. Besides, thanks to Alix being our little history geek, we got all of our facts straight."

Marinette chuckles at the nickname that Ruby gave their friend. "Don't let her hear that. Alix can be a tempered when it comes to her height."

"Well, she is small for her age, so I can understand why she would hate being fun sized." Ruby proclaimed with a shrug of her shoulders.

Suddenly something is thrown at her head and when she turned around, she saw that it was a near empty plastic water bottle.

"I HEARD THAT!" Alix exclaimed from across the courtyard.

Ruby looks at her with a mischievous smile. "Well, it's the truth! You walking strawberry shortcake!"

Turning red in anger, Alix immediately runs towards Ruby. "Oh I'll show you who's a strawberry shortcake!"

Laughing in amusement, the huntress immediately books it. "Get back here Ruby!"

Shaking her head, Marinette sighed as she continues to walk to class but she was stopped By Alya at the bottom of the stairs.

"He Marinette can I talk to you for a second?" She questioned.

"Sure Alya, what's up?"

Alya looked at her with a smile. "Well, my parents are allowing me to have friends over my house again and I was wondering if we could have a sleepover tonight?"

Marinette smiled at that idea, "Sure that's sounds awesome. But I'll have to ask my parents."

"Sure." Alya said with a small nod.

And with that the girls went to their classroom. Once seated they waited for class to start and at some point, Ruby had turned up just as the bell ringed and booked it up the stairs and sat in her seat.

Damian raised an eyebrow at how tired his beloved looked. "What happened to you?" He questioned.

"She mentioned Alix's height and called her a strawberry shortcake." Marinette answered.

Everyone looked at the silver eyed girl in shock that she was gutsy enough to say something like that. "I'm surprised that you're still alive, she put me in a headlock before." Kim proclaimed.

"Admittedly she almost got me, but I managed to outrun her." Ruby stated.

Kim smirked smugly and flexes his muscles, "Ha! If that's the case, then I challenge you to a race! I'm sure I'd be able to beat you."

Ruby pursed her lips and raised an eyebrow. "Kim, honey, you are so out of my league that racing against me would be like trying to outrun a panther that's actually a high-powered android that's inhumanly faster than it's organic predecessor."

"I estimate that to be a 99.99 possibility. Ruby's stamina has been proven to be significantly greater than Kim's. To be honest Kim is most likely the 5th person with the greatest stamina in the entire school."

Kim looked at his friend a little insulted that he was ranked so low. "5th?! Who are the other four?"

"Starting from the top, it's Marinette, Ruby, Damian, Adrien, and Alix." Max answered and lightly lift up his glasses.

"He's not wrong." Alix said as she walked in out of breath and gave one more glare at Ruby before she was forced to sit down because of Ms. Bustier walking into the classroom behind her.

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