Chapter 36: Sweetheart's Ice Cream

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"Come on Chat Noir, hurry." Ladybug exclaimed as her and Chat Noir, along with Red and Robin were trying to catch a bus that suddenly went out of control.

Landing on the roof of the bus, both Red and Ladybug get down on their knees and peeked through the back window to see the passengers panicking.

"Ready guys?" Ladybug questioned.

Red and Robin nod their heads and quickly ran off to the front of the bus with Ladybug right behind them.

"I'm always ready, my lady. Who needs brakes when they've got us?" Chat proclaimed as he throws his staff to his partner who caught it.

And while Ladybug wraps her yoyo around the bus before she goes under it.

Both Red and Robin jumped away and once they landed on the ground, they immediately go into their pockets and take out tire spikes.

With their part done, the couple took out their grappling hooks and got to higher ground and watched as Ladybug's plan is being set further into motion.

Which was only revealed after the bus passes Ladybug, to show that she had attached her yoyo to Chat's staff and thrown it up for her partner to catch.

Who extends his staff in-between two lampposts.

Now that there was something restraining it along with its tires getting busted the giant vehicle started to lose velocity.

Which was a good thing since the bus was about to hit three civilians but luckily the loss of speed along with the lampposts, Chat Noir's staff, and Ladybug's yoyo all manage to stop it from happening.

The three civilians that were still on the street looked at the bus that stopped in front of them by an inch before letting out sighs of relief and falling to their knees.

Except for one of the civilian's baby, who only giggles and babbles at the sight of the bus.

Making their way to the opening, Ladybug unwraps her yoyo from around the bus letting the passengers out.

"So, uh, Ladybug? What would you say if you and I met up tonight for a little dinner? Rooftop style?" Chat asked.

"For dinner? As superheroes?" Ladybug asked.

"Well, uh...yeah! That's right! We're only together when we're saving Paris. I mean wouldn't you actually like to get to know one another?"

Ladybug frowns awkwardly as she tried to find the correct words to use to politely reject his offer. "I... That's so thoughtful of you, but I can't. I have to...I already have plans with some friends."

Getting out of the bus, the bus driver started to thank the heroes and shook their hands. "Thank you." he then turns his attention towards Ladybug. "Thank you, Ladybug."

"Well, if your plans end early, come and join me." Chat stated.

"We'll see." Ladybug replied.

"I doubt it. Besides, if memory serves me correctly you also have plans with your friends." Robin stated and raised an eyebrow.

Chat looked like a deer caught in headlights. "I well...the dinner will be later in the day of course."

Robin and Red narrowed their eyes at him, not believing it one bit since making a dinner and setting the table is very time consuming.

"You were planning on ditching your friends to plan this dinner, weren't you?" Red accused.

Ladybug looks at Chat with a frown. "Chat if you have plans with your friends then you don't have to do this dinner. You can plan it some other time."

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