Chapter 88: Hawk Moth's Catalyst

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"Hey, Tom, Sabine!" Ruby said as her and Damian entered the Bakery.

Putting down a cake, Sabine greeted the couple.

"Hello, Ruby, Damian."

Giggling she gestures to the back door. "Marinette is upstairs baking."

Nodding their heads, the couple went up to the Dupain-Cheng residence.

And were met with Marinette quickly trying to bake some macaroons.

Without even looking at them, Marinette greeted them.

"Hey, Ruby, Damian! Can't talk now! I have to finish these before lunch ends!"

The couple looked at each other before looking back at her.

"Need some help?" Ruby asked.

"No, I'm fine, I have everything under control!" Marinette proclaimed.

Damian points at the smoke coming out of the oven.

"Marinette...the oven."

Marinette looks at the oven and shrieks in fear as she runs over to it.

Opening the oven, Marinette takes out the pan and saw that her macaroons were completely burnt.

"This is a disaster!" She cried in dismay.

Ruby and Damian shook their heads and walked forward.

"Alright, let us help. You're a total wreck." Damian proclaimed.

Marinette pouts stubbornly but she then gives up and sighs in defeat.

"Fine. It is Heroes Day after all."

And while they were doing that, a parade was taking place nearby.

And right now, in a helicopter, Clara Contard and her camera crew are overseeing the event.

Clara: Look at all these Parisians! So happy to be parading in honor of their heroes.

On the Eiffel Tower, Volpina smirks as she plays her flute and creates an illusion.

And the thing that she had created was Chat Noir and Ladybug, with the latter wearing Antibug's outfit.

A little girl took notice of the illusions, which were standing on the Ladybug balloon and points at them.

"Look mommy! Ladybug looks weird."

Smiling, the mother kneels before her daughter. "Come on, sweetie. That's no Ladybug, that's–-"

She looks back at the balloons and noticed the two illusions, who were fighting.

"Ladybug?!" She muttered in shock.

Grunting, Illusion! Chat Noir tried to punch Illusion! Ladybug.

But the former superheroine grabbed his arm.

And threw him through the air, Illusion! Chat Noir screams before he skids to a stop and lands on the Rena Rouge balloon.

Illusion! Ladybug laughs evilly.

Illusion! Chat Noir then takes notice of the citizens.

"Move out of the way everyone! She's been akumatized!"

Becoming fearful, the citizens all screamed and ran away in fear.

Landing on the Rena Rouge Balloon, Illusion! Ladybug laughs evilly again.

"Is that fear I smell, kitty? If you're looking for trouble, you've found it!"

She throws her yoyo at him, but Illusion! Chat Noir deflected it with his staff.

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