Chapter 91: We can be Heroes!

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Once they came up with a plan, they left the safehouse and scattered.

Right now, Ladybug was with Chat Noir, and made their way back to the Eiffel Tower, where Hawk Moth's army is.

Ladybug and Chat Noir smirked at each other before they jumped down and began attacking the villains.

Extending her yoyo, Ladybug grabs Style Queen's staff and snatched it out of her hands.

"HEY!" The fashionista exclaimed angrily.

Snaping the scepter in two, the Akuma flies out of it and Ladybug quickly captures it.

With Style Queen defeated, the barrier surrounding the city disappeared.

"Oh sorry, did I do that." Ladybug said tauntingly.

Prime Queen: Ladybug and Chat Noir have foolishly returned and this time without backup. But whatever happened to their team, did they give up and quit?

Scarlet Moth smirks in amusement since it was foolish for them to come here alone.

"Rain down on them my Akumas!" He exclaimed.

Soon Ladybug and Chat Noir were surrounded and were quickly getting overwhelmed.

"Game, set, and match, Ladybug." Scarlet Moth said evilly.

He was so caught up in his own satisfaction that he did not notice the smirk that Ladybug and Chat Noir shared.

"I don't see how we're going to get out of this one, milady!" Chat Noir said as he blocks an attack.

"We can't lose hope, or we'll get akumatized, too!" Ladybug said, playing along as well.

"Pretty cataclysmic situation, huh?" Chat Noir joked.

Ladybug feigns a believable gasp and smiles at Chat Noir.

"Cataclysm! That's it! Beneath us, Chat Noir!"

"Of course!" Chat Noir muttered.

Raising his hand, Chat Noir activated his power. "Cataclysm!"

Once it was activated, he punches the ground below them. Allowing them to escape into the sewers under a veil of black smoke.

Prime Queen: No more Ladybug and Chat Noir! Have they destroyed themselves or...?

In the sewers, Ladybug and Chat Noir were running when they came across Tigerlily and Akita.

Who were in a tunnel that was really dark and kept them hidden.

Ladybug gave them a thumbs up as her and Chat Noir ran past them. "Be ready!"

The girls raise their thumbs as well. "Will do Ladybug!"

Running for another minute, Ladybug and Chat Noir came to the end of the canal that had a forked path.

"I'll go this way. You go that way!" She proclaimed.

And with that both her and Chat Noir went on different sides of the sewer so Chat Noir could de-transform.

"Claws in." He muttered softly.

Going into his pocket he gives Plagg his cheese.

"Enjoy it, but don't take too long. We don't have much time!"

"Let's share it." Plagg stated and splits the cheese in half.

"You're gonna need it, too!"

Adrien smiles, touched at the gesture and takes the cheese.

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