Chapter 32: Talent

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"So, what are you doing for the talent show again?" Alix asked her friends as she cleans the dirt off her skates in the courtyard with their class.

Right now, the whole school is abuzz for the talent show that will take place later today.

"Ribbon dancing!" Rose answered excitedly.

Alix snorts in amusement since she should have realized that the bubbly blonde was going to be ribbon dancing since that's what she has done for 2 years in a row.

"Didn't you do that last year? And the year before that?"

Rose smiles brightly, "Yes, but I can't help it, Ribbon dancing is just so elegant! Besides it's just like doing ballet."

"Moreover, you can think of it at how elegant Ladybug looks when she uses her yoyo." She then added.

Alix hums in thought and realized that she's right.

"Fair enough?"

"Kim, what sporty thing are you doing this year?" She then asked.

Kim chuckles proudly as he stood up and struck a macho pose. "I'm going to do 60 pushups in one minute!"

"Figures." Alix said rolling her eyes.

Kim scoffed, "Please you're just jealous that I'm sportier and stronger than you!"

Alix frowns at him and gave him a talk to the hand motion.

"Please! I've beaten you more times than I can count. Like how I beat you in a race 2 days ago for example." She said smugly.

Now scoffing in annoyance, Kim crosses his arms and looks away from her. "It was a fluke! The flash from Alya's camera blinded me."

Which surprisingly wasn't even a lie.

Alya's camera flash really did blind him when he was about to cross the finish line.

But Alix did not care. "And your point? A win is a win, besides if it were me in your place, you'd take that win with pride and rub it in my face."

Kim opened his mouth to deny her, but he quickly closes it since even he knew that it was a lie.

"You win this round Kubdel."

Alix smirks in triumph. "Like always."

She then looks at Mylené. "Mylené?"

"A poem."

"Oh, please a poem? Boring!" Chloé said haughtily.

"Oh, like you have something for the talent show!" Alix said snidely.

Chloé looks down at the skater with a smirk, "Of course I do." She then strikes a pose, "I'm going to show off my modeling talent."

"The day you have modeling talent is when I actually begin to find you likeable." Nathaniel proclaimed from his spot on the stairs.

"Oh, please and what pray tell are you doing for the talent show? Don't tell me? You're going to draw a pathetic portrait!"

Chloé then laughs haughtily at her joke.

"1. My artistry is immaculate, and you wish you had my skills, 2. No I am not, and 3. At least I have actual talent that I can happily take pride in because I put in the effort to bring my artistry skills to new heights every day."

He then scoffs and added, "Can't say the same about you."

Growling angrily, Chloé just huffs since she has nothing to say back at him.

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