Chapter 80: Dark Cupid

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Once they had calmed down, they began to hand out the rest of their gifts.

And the things that Chloé had gotten Nathaniel was an expensive art kit that was in a black case with metal lining.

Expensive oil paints, an assortment of paint brushes, a glass dipped pen with ink included, and finally a new drawing tablet.

"I remember how you told me that your old tablet was starting to break down. So, I bought you the newest model." Chloé stated.

"I love it, thank you Chloé."

"No problem." Chloé replied as she goes into her pocket and brings out two tickets.

"Also, I got us these. They're for the Jagged Stone Valentine's concert."

Nathaniel's eyes sparkled in awe. "That's so cool."

"I knew you would love it." Chloé said proudly.

Smirking, she then takes out her phone and brings Nathaniel into a side hug and took a picture.

Nathaniel looked at her with amusement and looked over her shoulder to see what she's doing.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Just updating my status from single to dating the most wonderful guy in the world." Chloé said playfully.

She then kisses his cheek to empathize her point.

Which made the artist turn a deep shade of red that puts his hair to shame.

Once she hit send, everyone including people from school got her social update.

Somewhere else, Marc was just enjoying the day with Aurore and Mirelle when Aurore got the notification.

And upon looking at it, she lets out a gasp. Which got their attention and they all looked over her shoulder.

"No way." Mirelle muttered.

Both girls then looked at Marc who had a dejected look on his face.

Looking at each other awkwardly for a second, the girls then looked at Marc with happy expressions.

They giggle as they stand on either side of him and bump their shoulders against his, smooshing him.

"How about we get going, the concert will be starting soon." Aurore proclaimed.

Mirelle fist pumps, "Yeah! Jagged Stone here we come!"

Interlocking their arms with Marc's, they pulled their sunshine child forward and tried to keep his spirits up so his mind would not be on Nathaniel.

At Marinette's place, the designer was still in freak out mode.

Sighing, Ruby walks in and makes her way over to Marinette.

Where she grabbed Marinette by her shoulders and began to shake her violently before yelling.


Which snapped Marinette back to reality and made her look at the huntress like she was insane.

"E-excuse me?"

"Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." Ruby repeated.

Seeing the look of disbelief on Marinette's face, Ruby then said, "It's a real word, look it up."

Still not believing her, Marinette took out her phone and was about to do a quick google search.

But she realized that she does not know how to spell it or say it for that matter.

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