Chapter 3: Themyscira

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"We're here." Diana proclaimed as they land on Themyscira.

"Alright." Ruby said happily.

And with that the three heroes got up and made their way out of the jet.

Where they were soon met with a welcoming party of Hippolyta and a few other Amazonians.

"Diana." Hippolyta said greeting her daughter.

"Mother." Diana greeted back.

The Queen of the Amazonians then looks at the two young heroes and lightly smiled in greeting.

"Welcome to Themyscira." She said respectfully.

"Glad to be here." Ruby piped up and smiled.

And with introductions out of the way, Hippolyta leads them towards where Team JNPR where, which was the training grounds.

Where Pyrrha and Jaune were fighting while both Nora and Ren just watch from afar.

"Children! Your friends are here!" Hippolyta proclaimed, getting their attention.

Stopping in mid swing, Pyrrha and Jaune turn their heads in question before they realized what she just said.

"GUYS!!" Nora exclaimed as she ran over to the couple like she was the Flash and Usain Bolt combined and was about to take them into a hug, but Damian had used his shadow to grab the energetic girl in midflight.

"It's good to see you too, Nora." Damian proclaimed as he gently sets her down.

Now that she was somewhat calmed down, Nora took the time to look at them where her eyes then landed on the cupcakes.

"OOOH! Cupcakes!" she exclaimed.

"Yep. And I made everyone's favorites! Mint chocolate for Ren, strawberry chocolate for Jaune, red velvet for Pyrrha, and of course, Cotton Candy for you!" Ruby announced proudly.

Nora gasped and looked at the huntress with pure elation, but then she got serious and asked a few important questions.

"What type of frosting? What color? Is it just the frosting that's cotton candy flavored or did you mix it into the cake?"

"Blue and Pink Buttercream icing? And yes, there is cotton candy mixed into the cake."

Nora squeals happily as she jumps into the air and does a jumping Mario pose while shouting. "YAAAAAY!"

Now standing next to their teammate. The rest of Team JNPR just smile and shake their heads at their energetic friends' antics.

"Sooo...." Jaune said as he turns his attention towards his friends. "How have you been?"

"Good." She said happily.

She then grimaces when she thinks about it and added quite bluntly, "Well...minus having to deal with a high priest of a cult that was nothing more than an egotistical megalomaniac that wanted to ascend godhood by stealing our powers."

"What?!" Team JNPR said in shock.

"SEROUSLY? YOU GOT TO FIGHT OFF AN EVIL CULT! NO FAIR!" Nora exclaimed, a little envious on all the wild adventures that her team and herself are missing out on.

"Did he succeed?" Pyrrha questioned.

"How about we have this conversation inside the dining hall. It is time for lunch after all, that way you can learn all about your friend's adventures?" Hippolyta offered.

"Yes, your majesty." Pyrrha said with a small nod.

And with that the group went to the mess hall which had food already on the table.

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