Chapter 97: A Declaration of Love

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Right now, Marinette was in her room and was trying to have a peaceful time when Alya suddenly came bursting through the door.

And the girl squad were right behind her, but all of them except Rose not only looked less than enthusiastic but looked extremely tired.

Which is not surprising, it is around 9 in the morning, on a Saturday.

"Marinette, we have an emergency! It's about Adrien!" Alya exclaimed.

Gasping, Marinette stood up. "What happened? Did he get hurt?"

Alya placed her hands on her shoulders. "Worse, Adrien and his father have been invited to the Royal Wedding in England this weekend."

Marinette looked at Alya with a blank stare before looking at her with annoyance.

"How is that an emergency?"

Alya shakes her head and facepalms. "You don't get it! Kagami and her mother are going too!"

"Which means that Adrien and Kagami will be spending an entire weekend together!"

Marinette looked at the girls, who were now sitting on her lounge chair and looked tired and frustrated, except for Rose of course.

Looking back at Alya, Marinette raises an eyebrow, still not getting the picture. "And...?"

Alya facepalms again before she began to explain on what could go wrong if they allow this to happen.

"What if Adrien is blown away by her awesome dress and hairstyle? And if they dance together at the reception?"

"And what if they tour the city on a romantic horse and buggy ride? It would be the end of the world for you!"

Letting Marinette go, Alya took out her phone and held up a schedule.

"They're taking the Startrain to London at 11 AM. That's in less than two hours! We've gotta do something, fast!"

She then snaps her fingers and looked at the others. "Girls any ideas?"

"We could... organize a demonstration and make the trains go on strike." Mylène suggested, trying not to doze off.

"Nah, they'd just take a helicopter or private jet." Alya stated.

Rose thinks about it before enthusiastically raising her hand. "I know!" She exclaimed.

The tired members of the girl squad all winced at the loud volume.

Rose then smiled brightly as she explains her plan, which was extremely complicated to say the least.

"We'll dress you up as British megastar Adeline so you can slip into Buckingham Palace."

"You'll lure Adrien away from Kagami at the reception and waltz with him in the grand ballroom and—" Before she could finish, Alix interrupts her.

"Then when Adrien finds out you're not who he thought you were. He'll be totally disappointed because he hates lying."

"He'll fall head-over-heels in love with Kagami, given that she never lies. And you'll get locked away in the Tower of London for committing identity fraud."

Marinette grimaced at that grim picture; besides, how would she even get to London in the first place?

For one thing both her and her parents don't have that type of money.

If anything, it'll probably take all their life savings to fund a trip like that.

Not to mention there's probably a guest list, so she can't just show up in disguise of some no name celebrity.

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