Chapter 29: A Necessary Sacrifice

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Sitting on the edge of the roof on Titans Tower, Penny hums and smiled as she stares at the sky and enjoys the peace and quiet.

Out of everything that the tower has to offer, this is her most favorite thing to do but the young android wonders on what it would be like if she could feel the wind against her body like an actual person.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself." Jaime's voice said as he walks over to her.

Penny smiles at her friend, "Salutations Jaime!"

The beetle themed hero smiled as he sat down and just enjoyed the scenery.

And they were just left in complete silence until Penny asked, "What is it like? Feeling the wind against you?"

"Well right now, it feels slightly crisp but at the same time it feels soothing. Which doesn't surprise me since fall is just around the corner. To be honest Fall is my favorite season, what about you?"

"Hmm? Spring, to me it is a season of rebirth since everything that had died from the harsh winter comes back to life. Not to mention I have been told about how beautiful the flowers are when they start to bloom."

She then smiles, "Which is why I am happy that I'm here. I will finally get to see spring with my own two eyes."

Jaime looked at her in surprise, "You've never seen spring before?"

Penny looked at him in amusement, "Need I remind you that I live in a kingdom that is known to be ice and snow 24/7?"

"Oh yeah. Forgot."

Penny giggles and goes back to gazing at the scenery.

They then hear something from below and when they looked down, they saw that it was Oscar battling Starfire via hand-to-hand combat.

And he was actually doing pretty well and was keeping the Tamaranean on her toes.

"Wow, he's really a fast learner." Jaime said, impressed at the young members skill.

"Wanna get a closer look?" Penny offered.

"Sure, it would be good to see how far Oscar has come since coming here."

Penny then grabs his hand, "What are you—" He then screams in surprise when Penny pushes herself off over the edge and brings him down with her.

Activating her rocket boots Penny slowed down their descent and landed softly onto the ground.

Jaime sighed as he took the time to stop his fast-beating heart and calm down the Scarab.

"Warn me next time. I have a trigger-happy alien attached to my spinal cord remember."

Penny looked at Jaime with remorse, "Oh, I am sorry Jaime."

"It's alright."

Taking another minute to catch his bearings, Jaime sighed as they both walked over to get a closer look of Oscar and Starfire's battle.

Penny sits down and leans against a tree while Jaime just leans against it standing up.

They both then winced when they saw Oscar uppercut Starfire.

And he had used enough force into that punch that it sent her flying onto her back.

"Oooh!" Jaime said flinching back in surprise and amazement.

"Who knew that such a little body could have that much power." He muttered.

"Actually, it makes sense that Oscar is really strong. He did work on a farm his whole life and if I remember correctly bales of hay weigh anywhere between 40 lbs and 2,000 lbs. Not to mention he had to do a lot of other heavy lifting as well." Penny explained.

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