Chapter 90: The Scarlet Army

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Smiling evilly, Prime Queen continued with her broadcast across all of Paris.

Prime Queen: Don't be bemused, it's just the news! Thank you for joining us for this very special program.

You will have the chance to witness the victory of our great leader, Scarlet Moth!

All of the Akumatized villains placed their hands against their chest.

Where they then began to repeatedly chant. "Hail Scarlet Moth!"

Prime Queen: Today shall be known as... Villains Day!

Catalyst's mask then reappeared on Scarlet Moth's face.

"It's time, Scarlet Moth."

Smirking, Scarlet Moth raises his cane to stop his army from chanting.

"Ladybug, Chat Noir. I can feel your close presence. If you want to save Paris and all its people, I'll give you one last chance."

"Give yourselves up and bring me your Miraculous!"

Ladybug frowns in dismay and Chat Noir notices this.

"Penny for your thoughts, milady?"

"It would seem like Robin's theory is right, all of this has been planned by Hawk Moth."

She looks down for a moment before looking at her team.

"But I...I don't know if we're prepared for this."

Chat Noir smiles reassuringly and replied to her. "Yes, we are!"

"We've already fought them all and we won! And there are 11 of us this time!"

Ladybug smiles at the reassurance and turns back to look at Scarlet Moth and his army.

Now with a look of determination on her face.

"If we want to win, we have to defeat Hawk Moth, even though we've never fought him before."

Ladybug stands up proudly and placed her hands on her hips.

"Hawk Moth! I hope you enjoyed Volpina's illusion because the real Ladybug will never hand you over her Miraculous!"

Chat Noir stands up as well. "And we've got a better idea! You're gonna give us your Miraculous!"

Tortuga Esmeralda stands up proudly with Alpine and Akita Inu.

"You may have an army of akumatized warriors..."

Akita finishes off her sentence. "But we're a whole team of superheroes!"

Vesperia and Zorro stood up as well and spoke in sync.

"And you're going to wish that you never showed up!"

And with that they took out their weapons.

Red and Robin looked at each other and just shook their heads in amusement as they stood up as well.

Scarlet Moth laughs evilly and smirks at the heroes.

"I understand you want to fight. Then so be it! Guitar Villain. Frightningale. Music!"

Guitar Villain and Frightningale play thunderous music while the other akumatized villains charge towards the Miraculous Team.

Who had jumped down from the roof and were charging towards them as well.

"Seriously? Musical accompaniment? How extra can this guy be?" Red said in disbelief.

"Extra enough that he thought that he could pull off Red." Vesperia stated.

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