Chapter 28: Coup D'etat

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Sienna Khan considers herself a patient woman, but only to those of her kind and to those who are loyal to her cause.

But right now, she has had it with the actions of one of her high-ranking subordinates.

And that subordinate was Adam Taurus.

Which irks her even more since despite his age, Adam was a shining example of their morale and the ambition of what the White Fang are fighting for.

But now...she has now seen that she was too careless and let him do too much.

And now here he is, kneeling before her as she sits upon her throne at a secret location.

And this...insolent fool is trying to convince her to evade Haven Academy?!

And don't get her started on him trusting a group of humans, strangers who they know nothing about but want to help an organization that has caused nothing but pain to their entire race?

No, she does not think any human would do something like this.

Unless they have an ulterior motive and whatever that motive is, she knows that it cannot be anything good and quite frankly, ever since she heard about this group, they have left nothing but a bad taste in her mouth.

Not to mention the High Leader has smelled nothing but death when they are brought up. It's almost like her instincts are telling her that dealing with this group will do more harm to them in the long run than good.

Maybe she should have disciplined him more severely when she got word about what he did at Beacon.

This fool does not realize the type of trouble he has caused to Faunus everywhere because of his actions and the fact that others including those aligned with the White Fang are agreeing with him is...unsettling.

"Adam. I'm not going to repeat myself, so I want you to listen when I tell you that the White Fang will not attack Haven Academy."

"High Leader Khan, I am begging you." Adam begged.

Sienna leans up in her seat and glared at him. "You should beg for forgiveness and nothing else!"

Adam looks down at the ground.

Calming down, Sienna leans back in her seat once more. "The assault you led on Beacon was not the great victory you clearly think it was, and you should be more grateful your punishment was not more severe. You are a symbol for many in our organization, but that doesn't make you infallible."

"I was merely trying to follow your example, High Leader." Adam stated.

"And what example might that be?"

"Strength. Strength and unwavering conviction. The humans have seen that strength now."

Sienna sighs in irritation at how much Adam has twisted the example she tried to instill onto the group.

"I was one of the first to suggest violence where violence was necessary. Peace bred complacency and acceptance of our place in the world. I will not allow humanity to push us down without pushing them back!" She exclaimed and slammed her fist against the arm rest of her chair.

"But the destruction of the Huntsman Academies crosses a line! The loss of the CCT has brought global communication to a crawl! And the White Fang is more of a target now than ever before! You have justified humanity's campaign against us, and for what?!"

"Empty promises from a group of humans? Humans we still know nothing about and come and go as they please! These are not examples of strength, Adam. They are examples of your talents being diminished by shortsightedness!"

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