Chapter 106: Just Desserts

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At the Rose-Wayne residence, Ruby was swimming in the pool while Damian calmly reads while leisurely laying on the sunbed with Zwei and Titus laying nearby, all tuckered out from swimming.

Swimming over to him, Ruby leans against the edge. "Dami! Are you sure, you don't want to join me?" She asked.

"I'm sure, Beloved," Damian replied. "Aww, come on. The water's great." Ruby begged. "I'm sure that it is, but my answer is still no." Damian replied.

Ruby pouts at how much of a stick in the mud her boyfriend is being. She thinks about what she could do to convince him to take a dip when she gets a brilliant idea.

"Hey, Dami? Can you hand me my water bottle? All of this swimming got me pretty thirsty."

Setting his book down, Damian grabbed her water bottle. He sets it down on the ground near the pool. However, the second he bent down, Ruby grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the pool.

Resurfacing, Damian was unamused with his beloved, who rose to the surface with half of her face still submerged, but the mischievous look in her eyes said it all.

"Very funny, beloved." He said, he sighed and shook his head. "I should've realized that it was a trick." He's then splashed with water.

"Oh, it's on now!" The couple began to have a giant splash fight. After getting tired of that, Damin swam over to grab Ruby, but the Huntress swam away with a shriek.

But her attempts to flee were futile because Damian had dived down, swam ahead, and resurfaced right in front of her.

He then quickly wraps his arms around her. "Gotcha." Ruby giggles playfully. "Oh No! Whatever shall I do? I've been captured by my devilishly handsome boyfriend" She said feigning distress.

"Hmm cute, but you can't your way out of this one beloved. I still need to punish you for tricking me." Ruby smirked. "Aww, I was only having a bit of fun. Besides, you seem to enjoy yourself too."

"That's beside the point, now apologize or you can forget that Ice cream Strawberry shortcake cake I promised to make for tomorrow."

The Huntress makes a noise of dismay. "What?! But Dami!" "Don't "Dami" me, either you apologize or no cake."

Ruby pouts as she really wants to try it. "Fine, I'm sorry." Damian pecks her cheek. "There was that so hard?" Ruby rolls her eyes but there was a smile on her face. "I think you missed."

"I think you're right, here let me correct my mistake." Damian began to pepper Ruby's face with kisses, Inciting a squeal from her. "Damian!"

However, while they were certainly enjoying the moment, they were so preoccupied that neither had heard the buzzing ring of Damian's scroll getting the message from Ladybug.

Elsewhere at the Agreste mansion. Adrien is practicing piano in his room while Plagg flips through channels on the TV until he spots Silencer through the window.

"Adrien, come see this," Plagg said warily. "What is it?" Adrien didn't see Silencer, but he did see Ladybug run past his house. "Ladybug?"

Plagg rises from the table. "Looks like we got a problem." Adrien punches the air. "Plagg, claws out!"

Once he's transformed, he opens his window, but he lands on the windowsill and was about to take off when he heard his baton beep. Taking it out, Chat Noir finally sees the message left by Ladybug.

"Meow! Milady sent me some messages. I bet she misses me!" He then takes off.

On top of a building, Silencer was looking for Bob. "Where are you hiding, Bob Roth? You're definitely good at hiding." The Villain then switches to using Ladybug's voice. "But you won't get away from me."

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