Chapter 100: Sweet Metaphors

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And just like they expected, they both did not get anything done today.

And right now, Marinette was seeing Adrien off as he got into his car. "Bye Adrien."

"Bye, Mari." Adrien replied before closing the car door.

Turning around, Marinette walks back into the bakery.

Adrien, meanwhile, just let out a soft sigh of elation and leans against his seat and looks up at the roof happily.

Nathalie, who was sitting right next to him looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Adrien, are you alright?"

The blonde model just sighed happily, almost like he was lovestruck. "Never been better..." He replied.

Still smiling, without even thinking he said, "You know, Marinette is really something."

"Uh-huh." Nathalie said, bewildered and just stared at him as he continued.

"She's just" Lost for words, Adrien thinks for a moment before finally saying, "Amazing."

"She's compassionate, humble, headstrong, sassy. And so many things that makes her...well, Marinette."

Smiling very brightly, he stares at the window and muttered softly, "I'm so lucky to have a friend like her in my life."

Narrowing her eyes in suspicion, Nathalie decided to test the waters and asked, "What about cute?"

Adrien scoffed at Nathalie for just calling Marinette "cute." A word as simple as that does not even begin to give the petite designer the justice she deserves.

"Oh please, cute doesn't even begin to describe how beautiful Marinette is. Both inside and out."

Humming to herself, Nathalie looked back down at her tablet.

However, because of getting stuck in a traffic jam, what should have taken an hour in a half instead took three whole hours to finally get home.

And throughout those three whole hours Nathalie was forced to listen to Adrien constantly talk about Marinette.

And while people would say it was sweet, Nathalie found it way too sweet.

It was like she had completely lost her mind and had put a spoonful of cinnamon in her mouth.

But thankfully, when they finally made it home and Adrien walked out of the car, he finally shut up.

And now he was merely humming a small joyful tune as he walked into his house.

"Hello, father!" He said ecstatically as he passed him on the stairs.

Stopping mid-step, Gabriel looked at his son in confusion. "Hello, Son." He replied.

Once his son went into his room, he looked at Nathalie, who had a tired and exasperated look on her face.

"You look ready to kill someone." He remarked.

Cringing to the nth degree, Nathalie looks at her boss with a dark look. "Adrien spent the entire ride talking about Marinette."

"By the time we finally made it home, I'm sure all the things he said about her could fill up an entire notebook with single spaced entries."

Gabriel blinks, "I beg your pardon?!" Instead of clarifying herself, Nathalie just groaned in annoyance as she marches away.

"Ugh, he's worse than you and Emilie combined. If you need me, I'll be in the kitchen making a Zambooki."

Now alone, Gabriel continued to stand there with a flabbergasted expression.

Meanwhile with Adrien, the model sighed happily as he flops on his bed backwards.

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