Chapter 39: Despair Bear

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Standing at the top of the stairs, Chloé stares down at her guests that had finally arrived.

"Mademoiselle should go downstairs and greet her guests in a welcoming manner with a hug and a kiss." Jean-Pascal suggested.

Chloé looked at her butler like he was crazy. "Ugh, you're kidding, Jean-Pascal. You really expect me to let their cheeks touch mine?"

"Well, that's what Mr. Cuddly would do." The butler stated and brought out the yellow bear.

Chloé sighs in exasperation. "Fine."

She then turns her attention back to her guests and gasped when she saw Adrien enter with Nino, Alya, Ruby, Damian, and Marinette.

"This whole party thing is way weird." Marinette whispered to Alya.

Stopping in his tracks, Adrien turns around to speak to Marinette.

In doing so everyone else did as well.

And while they were talking Chloé started to cheer and was jumping up and down before quickly running off to greet him.

"Well, I've known Chloé for a long time. She can be really cool, sometimes." Adrien proclaimed.

"She's the opposite of cool Agreste." Damian said in distaste.

Adrien frowns, "Oh come on she's not—"

"She tried to blackmail Ruby into breaking up with me just to get back at her for "ruining" her school photo with you." Damian said cutting him off.

"He has a point bro." Nino commented.

Lost for words, Adrien tried to say something but before he could Chloé leaps onto his back. "Adrikins!"

Getting off his back, she turns the blonde around and gave him a cheek kiss. "I'm so glad that you could come! What do you think of me hosting this party?"

"It's awesome, Chloé!" Adrien replied.

"Hey, there!" Rose said as she walks over with Max and Kim and greeted Chloé.

Standing on her toes, Rose gives her a cheek kiss.

"Hey, Chloé!" Kim said and greeted her in the same manner as well.

"Thanks for the invite Chloé." Max said gratefully before giving her a cheek kiss.

Groaning, Chloé walked away from them but in doing so she almost walked right into Marinette.

Where the blonde looked at her with a blank stare.

The two gasped and stared at each other, both too uncomfortable with the very idea to greet each other.

But Chloé then sees Jean-Pascal holding up Mr. Cuddly while hiding behind a guest.

Chloé looks down in displeasure before looking at Marinette.

Sighing deeply, she builds up her courage and leans forward.

Marinette on the other hand flinches back before looking at Adrien who was waiting in anticipation.

Taking a second to build up her own courage, Marinette leans in as well.

Everyone gasps as they watched the two girls.

Soon the girls quickly did a proper cheek kiss and immediately grunt in disgust, turn around and started to spit in disgust.

"I can't believe I just did that." Chloé groaned as she rubs both her lips and cheeks.

"How do you think I feel?!" Marinette asked as she did the same thing.

Alya laughs at what just happened. "I should have got you guys on video!"

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